I've started a website dedicated to raw food and yoga called Frugis. You can view it at http://fruitnyoga.blogspot.com
On this site you will find interviews of longterm or prominent yoga practitioners who follow a raw food diet, reviews of books having to do with raw food and yoga, and a series of articles on subjects of interest to raw foodis and yogis, such as:
-Gandhi on Raw Food
-The Raw Food yogi lineage: Sri Sivananda, Sri Kailashananda and Dharma Mittra
-Raw Food in ancient Hindu Scripture (yes, there are references to raw foodists!)
-Ayurveda and other dietary guidelines for yogis.
I'm currently looking to interview Bikram Yogis who have been practicing yoga AND following a raw foods diet for 5+ years. If you meet this description, do you have any interest in being interviewed? Please message me or email me at lindsaylou9@gmail.com
What a great site Lindsay, thank you!
Have you tried contacting Heidi at the Vegsource forum (Dr G's reply section)? She practised Bikram for many years as an 811 raw foodist, tho she has recently moved on to more interval-style workouts and Weights I believe.
You might also try Jayne at Freestyle Fitness Yoga, she teaches yoga purely as a fitness discipline within group exercise in UK; I don't know but suspect she has a high-raw diet.
I assume you've tried putting out queries on yoga sites and magazines etc?
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll contact them.
Yes, I've been putting out queries. Just wanted to see if there was anybody here who fit the description
*New Post*
ook Review of Fred Busch's 2006 book on raw food and yoga, "A Clear and Definite Path".
"Fred’s interest in raw food began when a roommate introduced him to the work of Douglas Graham, creator of the 80/10/10 diet. He began to experiment with his own diet, and experienced phenomenal improvements in energy and focus. He writes, “My entire disposition changed. Meanwhile, my Yoga practice exploded. I was doing the poses that seemed impossible just weeks ago.”
See the full review here.