Quantity: not only do lfrv's get enough, but also what are the dangers of getting too much?
Essential amino acids: I want to look at some of the sources of specific amino acids
Non-essential amino acids: what, if anything, interferes with their production in the body?
Absorption: What helps/hinders it?
Bio-availability: plant vs animal-based, raw vs cooked
Some of these issues are discussed in this thread: http://www.30bananasaday.com/group/30badinternetoutreachguerrillas/forum/topics/nutritional-adequacy-of-human
and I don't want to be repetitive, but maybe people can expand either there or here.
One of the other things that I started reading are the World Health Organization guidelines on protein. Not a place most of us would start, but I actually like using government guidelines as a baseline for any necessary critique. I found that here: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/AA040E/AA040E00.HTM
More later....
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