Many animals have a 6th sense so to speak and can relate to their sibling even thought the sibling has gone..
They already know through sensing that there has been a death. We can see very often that our cats are seeing something in the room that we are not seeing.. It's because they are true to who they are and what they see. Animals are so beautiful because they are real with with there feelings....
Isa > Yashodahra YehuditNovember 22, 2011 at 6:26am
I agree, it's the right thing to do. I'm so so sorry that your cat had to go... I wish you strength and healing in your grieving process. My cat also died this year. It was the most heartbreak I have ever felt, but I'm grateful to have come out the other side with nothing but gratitude. <3
Thank you so much for your kind words Fruit Fly - I'm sorry you also lost your cat. I still have 2 cats left, but my house feels so empty without him - I couldn't have given him a better life and am very grateful for all the affection and personality he gave back.
I'm very sorry to hear that:( but yes, it's wise todo so. I've done that will all my animals except two & when I did not show them the body it took months before they stopped calling for their sibling.
Thanks Melissa, that's what I thought too - his name was Mark & he was 3 years old and still had a strong bond with his sister. He was the most affectionate cat I've ever known, despite being male and was like a son to me. I don't think she has noticed yet that he has gone, but I would rather she knew, then never know.
Many animals have a 6th sense so to speak and can relate to their sibling even thought the sibling has gone..
They already know through sensing that there has been a death. We can see very often that our cats are seeing something in the room that we are not seeing.. It's because they are true to who they are and what they see. Animals are so beautiful because they are real with with there feelings....
yes, very true and they live in the moment too.
I'm very sorry to hear that:( but yes, it's wise todo so. I've done that will all my animals except two & when I did not show them the body it took months before they stopped calling for their sibling.