For folks in & around the Chicago area or just the Midwest in general. Maybe we can set up some occasional regional gatherings. Or for those of us who travel within the area - a chance to meet others when we're on the road.
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  • uhhh! i guess i missed you guys. please just text me! 630 7652138

  • Hey Viktorija. We're here sitting on the beach.
  • regardless! i'm going to go on my ride and i'll meet you there by the rental booth! 

  • sooo are we meeting tomorrow or what haha 

  • Unfortunately I can't do anything today anymore so I'll just have to stick with Sunday yoga/fruitluck. If you can't do it Sunday (tomorrow), Albert, maybe we can plan for another weekend! Marisa and I will be at yoga tomorrow and Viktorija, you can just meet us after :)

  • hmm so lets just do a fruitluck tomorrow at 12th street beach around 2 and y'all do yr sunday thing as well k easy? pm me for my number if you need help finding the place.


  • i don't think i'll be there for yoga but 10 am or whatever we can all meet up for the fruitluck or what not. 

  • Great! So I'll see you and whoever else decides to come on Sunday before 9:00! Can't wait :)
  • Yes, I can do Sunday yoga!

  • Ok cool! So is everyone able to do Sunday yoga instead? I just want to make sure we accommodate for everyone! And if sunday is cool, let's just stick with north ave since the majority will already be there.
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