Early Valentine's Vegan Nigerian Feast, Feb 10, 2015, 7pm
Please join me for an Early Valentine's Vegan Nigerian Feast at Dynamic African Restaurant in the Edgewater Chicago neighborhood. While not totally RAW or Raw Till 4, there should be plenty of high carb selections. Follow the above links for more information. Hope to see you February 10, 2015, 7pm!
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uhhh! i guess i missed you guys. please just text me! 630 7652138
regardless! i'm going to go on my ride and i'll meet you there by the rental booth!
sooo are we meeting tomorrow or what haha
Unfortunately I can't do anything today anymore so I'll just have to stick with Sunday yoga/fruitluck. If you can't do it Sunday (tomorrow), Albert, maybe we can plan for another weekend! Marisa and I will be at yoga tomorrow and Viktorija, you can just meet us after :)
hmm so lets just do a fruitluck tomorrow at 12th street beach around 2 and y'all do yr sunday thing as well k easy? pm me for my number if you need help finding the place.
i don't think i'll be there for yoga but 10 am or whatever we can all meet up for the fruitluck or what not.
Yes, I can do Sunday yoga!