I just started the FIRST Fruitarian Meetup Group IN THE WORLD!!!
Totally spamming out the internet with my big news of starting the first fruitarian meetup group. I'm pretty proud of that.But what I realized as I was doing it is that THIS might be the way to get community service going in the real world. Seems like most potlucks exist for socializing, entertaining, informing, and marketing. How about one that exists for SERVICE??? And the other stuff, too - it reminds me of being in Girl Scouts - we had loads of fun, but we also had community service…
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We have an amazing permaculture-forestgarden in the rainforests of Costa Rica consisting of a wide range of different species.... and many mature fruit trees!! Our project focuses on raw Vegan, self-sufficiency, simple, natural life, off-grid life, deep ecology spirituality, etc.. We are looking for like-minded folks to join and help us with our project . We are specially looking for a farm manager,. .
fruitarian paradise in africa:(international fruitarian community)
-what Rebecca posted
that sounds pretty good.. (:
Toolbox for Sustainable City Living byScott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew ISBN 978-0-89608-780-4