I wanted to see if there are others on here like me working toward real health through a vegan life style change. I would love to give and have support via a little group.
Okay we all have them. The days when we cheat. The trick is to not beat yourself up about it. This is a journey some can transition in a short amount of time some like me do great for a week or two then eat something cooked. I used to get mad at myself and want to punish myself. I have learned that just stresses the body and discourages the mind. It took me two years to get where I am and I am super proud of myself and you all should be too. This road to health is not always easy but it is very…
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Depending on how long and severe your condition, you are probably deficient in a lot of things right now . Luckily fruits and veggies are loaded with everything we need, so pretty much you just need to cut out the junk that we don't need and you should heal up and start absorbing your nutrients again. Personally I am not a believer in supplements, as I follow natural hygiene. If you think you might be deficient in a particular vitamin/mineral, I would suggest finding the whole food that has a high amount rather than supplementing it. Sleep is good too, I slept like 10-12 hours a day for a solid week when I was healing, and sometimes I still do that.
Thanks Frutiniss!
Also do you think it could be a b-vitamin deficiency? Like B3?
My guess would be electrolyte imbalances, which is very common in people who have chronic IBS, esp. the diarrhea type. I don't know if I would mess around with low blood pressure, you could pass out, be careful! Be sure you are getting in your sodium veggies, like celery. I know everyone says not to juice, but for IBS it is really hard to digest greens usually, so when I was healing I did juice greens to be sure I got my sodium and minerals.
Hi Fruitniss!
It started out as just a few times a week but now I had it about 3 days in a row with very low blood pressure, I even started taking iron and b12. :/
Hi Molly! I do great with dates! Love em! I can easily have a huge date-orade with 20 or so dates. I like to add some berries for flavor.
Every time I fall off the wagon and get back on, I feel like I have been hit by a truck, it usually lasts a day or two. Muscle aches and headaches, it sucks. I think it might be the body adjusting after eating all the salt in cooked/processed foods and then returning to this diet/lifestyle again. For me it never lasts long though, how long have you been feeling like this?
Hello everyone I've been on a LFRV diet according to dave klein's book for the past month and lately have been feeling EXTREMELY weak and fatigued to the point that I have to lie down and not move sometimes. I AM SO TIRED. What is this?
How are you guys with dates?
How is everyone doing? I fell off the wagon for a bit and suffered but I am back on track and detoxing now.
How is everyone doing?
I have not been on in a while and I am sorry. I have been really working on all raw, attitude and exercise. I am all raw a week at a time. Which for me is great! And when I do cheat its only steamed veggies :-) I have been doing much better when I balance my omegas right and make sure I keep junk food out of the house.
I have even been bring food with me every where so I am not tempted to eat well out... Mainly due to learning about GMO's and what they do to us. Scary stuff man I am keeping that toxin out of my body as much as I can seeing how our government thinks okay to poison us and will not even label it. Lucky for me I read up on plu's so I think I am steering clear of the mutant poison.
Oh I am going to California in a few weeks and am super stoked to see my friends out there and my wonderful sister. I have been gently nudging her to eat more fruit and veggies.... She is getting better but still uses the who I don't have time to eat healthy bull I hear from so many people who talk to me about health.
I have had some people reaching out to me bemuse of how much healthier I have become over this last year. And have found that I simply tell everyone that I can about 80/10/10 and how it could save their lives or the lives of someone they love.... Even the cop that pulled me over last week lol. I am just hoping I can help save someone else's life like mine was saved via this diet and life style change.
I do have a complaint my face, back and chest have broken out and nothing I have tried gets rid of these annoying little pimples. Bluh I thought that I would not break out once I ate really healthy. Does anyone know what may cause this pimple attach or how to get rid of it?
I will say if you have sever Crohn's and have been to the doctors a lot and can no longer work you may qualify for disability... Not that they make it easy to get. Lots of paper work and persistence can pay off. My first try I got it... I is not much a all but covers my food and then some which really takes a load off my wonderful husband who works for the U.S. Army right now.
Oh I almost forgot I pray and hope life finds you all well and if not keep your chin up stick to this it will pay off your body is amazing and can heal itself givin the time and the right resources.