How was it for folks??! 16.2 was the most brutal for me. I should have gotten through round 2, 75 pound clean, but I was BEAT after a long week of my day job too. Here are my stats. Kicked some ass for my first open ever and only after doing crossfit this video is what prompted me to find this group and fellow 80-10-10 crossfitters. I'm not sure what his position is on crossfit, but the promotion of this video on his youtube channel is not inspir
I would like to provide my services for the above who are looking. I am the NY ambassador for Team Green at My services are online or in person. I have been in fitness since I was a child and as a professional since 1991. I
Man I love crossfit workouts... I feel like such a monkey.
Post yours here!
Here's what we did at Crossfit Oakleigh yesterday and a pic of Coach Scott teaching the finer points of rope climb. Afterwards I smashed a whole pile of bananas.... nommmm.