MEMBERS OF THIS GROUP ARE INVITED TO MEET and LIVE TOGETHER ON AN URBAN  MAGICAL Hilltop Rainforest ACREAGE , Simply at Cost.  Before i sell  an Go2 Costa Rica.. Yes.. thats a real handbuilt Interceptor 4

You form tribes on your part acre, build teepee accom 25ft height, with existing timber on site.. Next, a 2nd T.P used for tourism.. Presto, instant income..  All services available.. at cost. If youre smart.. i show how pool together get a 1acre warehouse, like in the pic. Then  how tourists will pay to share profits in a massive hydroponics growing farm..  Plenty of growing space..  High performance discounts on ownership , work on account which becomes payable IF you sell up .. in other words, U work into a mortgage which pays U out ..optional purchase of Freehold or cheaper strata..  100,000 per acre freehold  walk to everything, Prime Residantial, walk to town, yet rainforest  so its a no risk venture, in this limited to 6 teams to seed, grow and enjoy.. 

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  • Is this any Surprise when the US went to WAR in Iraq for the OIL Bush Snr has 70% stake in ?  Wake Up peop .. theres an entire global conspiracy .. Marks post brought this page :    which is all well and good but what about energy ripoffs , who want to work on a solar energy battery ?  i have intellectual property, i am willing to give away to groups in EU  that turns a standard solar hot water system to a solar energy tracking with no moving parts ..

    Then from that we proceed to convert the stored heat into power .. its easy .. the first step increases the solar temperature ..  so just that  is a boon in EU , where sun  is a premium ..  You heard it right.

  • Populace live under a misconception of what Natural Law rights are .. this has been gradually replaced by Acts of Parliament, only its not your choice, nor your parliament..  which first sat in 1295,  developed under kingdoms Privy Council , & when sufficiently corrupted by replacement of the slaughter by Bloody Mary .. the English Queen who killed her reigning sister Lady Grey to get to the throne... proceeds to corrupt & replace by treason, your Natural Law rights.

    Since joining the United Nations, Australia became an independent sovereign nation, and adhere to the UN Charter  and abide by International Law.   This country is governed by Common Law  within a Bar  and Maritime court .. until Admiralty Jurisdiction  enters the court.

    Oleron Law has been superimposed over the law of the land, causing our great nations to shipwreck ..  thru collision of Law with a generally innocent constituency, a War is wagered ..

    It is a gamble played out on an unsuspecting populace , illegally siezing property and wages under threat of malice , as is the custom under Catholic interpretation of Oleron Law.


    " I move these charges be dismissed  on the basis that there are discrepancies in the evidence such that a jury could not reasonably convict. "

    O'shane  vs  John Fairfax  NSWSC 140 (16 March 2004) 

    38.     O ' SHANE  :    'Unfortunately, in my view, in recent times there has been greater focus on the law or the legalities that are involved. But justice is not about law, in fact – one can say – the law is unjust.

    2. As a magistrate, O'Shane is often angry at what she perceives as injustices in our society. And when she unleashes her anger from the raised platform of the judicial bench, she ignites a highly charged debate within the legal and wider community.

    The true religious feelings of the early Christians were not dumbed down as this is the case with most Christians today, as the present Catholic Church of the Elite was created only several centuries later by the Orion Empire of the Anunnaki, the Powers That Be , with the help of Constantine.

    At that time even the Gospels did not exist, but only Paul’s epistles. However, there were numerous gnostic books in circulation, which were widely read and discussed by the early Christians.

    These facts about the early, most crucial days of Christianity cannot be found in any official religious book on the history of the Church , perhaps due to the persecutions allowed

    The present-day Church and organized Christianity have fundamentally failed to fulfil this divine duty.

    When the Catholic Church condemns today the early Christian heretics, as Pope Ratzinger has been doing on many occasions in his sermons in the Vatican in the last several years, he always has in mind the early Gnostics, be they Arianer (followers of Arius and Arianism) or Monotheists.

    To seek out where true jutice may abide, a study of  English, thus obfuscated Catholic Law brings one to the conclusion , that after bloody Marys disasterous Catholic reign, ( for which position she beheaded a true Queen Lady Jane Grey, on false accusations of treason, 280 of Parliaments finest were allowed to share the same fate, and replaced with those which have spread vermin throughout world politics which continues to play a role of 3 unwise monkeys to truth , whilst treason is committed throughout the commonwealth , to stun-shock that population of 2 billion people to submission. Tactics do not change, a performance actor of convenience, leading the said role of mis-truth, a stranger to the people, ignored by the Court dressed in a cloak of shifting sands ..

  • On topic of  : FREEDOM    .. which basis is not Reality  ..   WE have MORE freedom today than EVER..

    Only issue : we dont know how to USE IT.   WE all want OUR OWN shit.. this AWARENESS is SELFISH

    in Byron, like everywhere, friendship starts with what U LIKE .. It is furthered by what people say more than ANY Truth of whats really possible... you give a dollar ...they will want TEN.. its human nature.

    But wheres FREEDOM.. where theres GREED ?  So few want to work together, outside of being paid .. that is , for survival .. cause it jus doesnt work..  There is no free URBAN COMMUNITY .. theres the Amish in PICTON .. but who wants to get up at 5AM, work hard all day working for free ( sure its for the whole tribe Nathaniel .. but so are my Patents . an i dont see many working hard on them )

    Cheap talk , about freedom we "used" to have .. thats sooo blind ..  many fall into the Freedom Trap  illusion .. not realising its a complaint due to normal  life expansion into the World .. an yes,  too many govt traps.. an yes, tolls , tickets and fines  that one cant afford ..

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