A group for those interested in gardening for food, wildlife, beauty and therapy to share ideas and ask questions. Beginners and experts welcome.
Still doing vegan gardening!
Hey y'all, it's been SO long since I've been on here. I hope you are all well in these crazy times.I wanted to let you all know that I'm not posting here regularly or on any forums or groups, not even facebook. Currently, I'm only using favebook for work and will post garden pictures when i can.However, I am regularly posting garden updates on my blog and Instagram at sillybunnns.Here's an overview of what I have currently growing: six garden beds of different types of lettuce, spinach, kale,…
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Hey all! I've got lots of photos to share from youtube and the blog if you're interested. I take pictures of garden dinners too! Also you can add me on facebook for regular garden photos! Here is some big harvests from this year...
Some new Vegans living off the land posts for anyone interested (links below):
Recycled toilet flower garden
Gardening on a hill, bank & steep slope
Recycled Bucket Gardening (container gardening for apartment dwellers)
Pawpaw flower & Fruit identification (Kentucky backyard native ...
Late Fall Fig, Raspberries & Greens harvest (October-November)
June 2016 garden harvests (lettuce, peas, zucchini, blueberries, &a...nd Late June garden update + grapes, pears, peaches, berries
You can grow them in pots and keep them indoors during the winter, but since I grow these trees outdoors, I show you here how I protect the fig trees: Over wintering protection for Chicago hardy & Brown turkey fig ...
MY GARDEN HARVEST PHOTOS from May to November (5 min VIDEO)
Herbs & flower raised bed + November Hugelkultur garden clean u...
Recent posts I've made on fall and winter growing as well as your other garden needs:
Cold frames made out of recycled materials
How much water for garden vegetables (VIDEO)
40 Autumn plants as garden decor for zones 4-9 (Mums, Ornamental ka...
How to save seeds from common garden vegetables
Radish harvests in the fall
Hello! I don't actually have a garden cause I leave on an apartment, but I have some pretty plants like chili papers and basil to use in cooking! would like to buy a lemon tree though and get a house with a garden soon!
I have already posted links to my garden harvests May through October. Here is a link to photos of the November garden harvest: November 2014 Garden Harvest (photos)
click link for more info: Grow Veggies & Fruit trees in Containers (Limited Space & U...