This is a group for folks who reject the traditional gender binary and traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Are you a man or a woman.....NO! Are you? some of us are queer, some are not. A some are Trans, some are not. Allies are welcome :)

7 Members
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Our community as genderqueers is small, and combined with raw foods, even smaller, so lets share our BIG Love and understanding together!

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  • Just wanted to wish everyone welcome! Im happy to see Im not the only GQ on here! Yay! Have you folks met any other raw foodie queer/gq folks in your local area? I know there are some where I live...Ive met a few gay/queer folks, but no genderqueers into it (currently anyways...met a few who USED to be into raw foods) I dont think they were lfrv or hcrv though. In truth Im probably somewhere in the middle. I do aspire to be low fat raw vegan, and to include lots of fruit in my diet, keep the nuts and seeds to a minimum, but I also like lots of greens and savory veggies (kept little to no oil, low fat though...) 

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