raw food community australia
We are a gay couple living on a large property south of murwillumbah nsw growing hundreds and fruit trees and veggeis for local market, I have been eating a raw food diet for about 10 years and would like to turn this space into a raw food community to share with other raw food eaters, let me know if you or know of others that share a similar idea, guess i would like to have others share an interest in growing food and living sustainably, looking forward to hearing from interested folk. We…
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HEllO? Everyone!! single gay male Guy here? hmu ;) ...
is being straight wrong? ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sV2peIzEC4
Some times i feel like the only bi-sexual, raw-vegan in the village
Glad to see this group exists! It's always good to know that you're not alone out there, even if it may feel that way sometimes. Sending some warmth from Germany! :)
single banana muncher here who is moving to thailand
I've got multiple relationships. I am the only one who does the 811rv lifestyle all the time. I'm just happy to do my own thing and let them do theirs. If they ask questions and/or for help I'll be there, otherwise we just eat what we each want. Sometimes we share things that overlap, otherwise we share other things instead.
I became low-fat raw vegan after I'd already been in one of the relationships for over a decade. He aspires to eat and live my lifestyle, and has a harder time of keeping to it. We support each other. My other partner and I met after I was eating this way already. She eats a diet that is quite different, almost opposite in some ways (low carb, cooked, meat & dairy), but also similar in lots of raw greens, vegetables, and no processed stuff. She's into and practices most of the rest of the lifestyle (is into good water, fitness, relationships, etc). I'm involved with others in a more fluid friendship-romance way, none of which eat like me either, although one eats close, and one is vegetarian. Two of them are into fitness and the outdoors, and the one who eats close to how I do is into that as well, but doesn't do it as much because she is a single mom and has trouble figuring out how in a consistent manner.
When I date we just pick what foods we want to eat, and find places that serve what we want. We don't go out to eat much though. I've been eating this way for over 11 years now, so am used to navigating social situations that have to do with food. Dating isn't any different than that I've found, and it's been a non-issue for the dating I've had so far.
Sure, my partner who eats low-carb has had quite a few conversations with me about needing protein and too much sugars, etc. (lol), but we work out together too and she knows I can kick her butt in strength and endurance, even though she's over 5 years younger than I. Over time she's piped down about it, as she's seen how well it works for me... just like others around me. When the conversations would get heated or tiring for me, I'd just say that I didn't want to get in an argument about how I eat and she'd stop. She likes to brag on me now, hehe. Go figure.
Hey! Just wondering if you all date/are in relationships with fellow Fruitarians... or how you LGBTQ Fruitarians manage the "<3 & dating" scene with your lifestyle. : )
people who chose to incarnate as a gay male or female have chosen the path of warrior because most of society disapprove of us and we are faced with ignorance and hate. just a thought i had