my skin just keeps getting worse. I know i know its detox. But is there light at the end of the tunnel??? Has anyone other then tarah cleared their acne? and if so what do they do and how do they eat?
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Haven't totally cleared mine yet...working on that, and very interested in other's experiences with this. Initially went through horrible detox, acne got worse, then much much better. Now my breakouts are mostly around my period, but still not sure what is causing them in between periods. Still wearing makeup, I know that is one culprit, trying to cut back on that as much as I can. Thinking nightshades might be a problem for me, or maybe salt, endeavoring to do an elimination diet with those foods. Will let you know how it goes! What is your experience, Brianna?
I have read testomonies and watched youtube vids of different people who cleared up their skin with raw food diet. My skin has gotten so much clearer, my pores have shrunk down. The first week I broke out more. I have dealt with acne since childhood and its a relief to finally have clearer skin. Green smoothies have helped speed the detox process up for me. I personally prefer drinking a huge green smoothie than a huge kale salad. The kale has a lot of great detox compounds and is mineral rich. Plus it gives me a sustained energy boost, makes me feel good. I have strong nails, great digestion, my hair is growing in thicker...etc. I just suggest bringing them into your diet if you haven't already. Acne is linked to the liver, and the liver stores a lot of toxins. Detoxing is definitely an on going process. Cilantro is a powerful detoxer. Sometimes I will add 2 cups of packed cilantro, stems and all, to my smoothie. Here are a few of my favorites: If I want it sweeter I will add 5-7 dates.
4 bananas, 4 cups kale, 1-2 mandarins, 1/2 lemon, and a piece of ginger, water.
3 cups pineapple, 2 bananas, 2 cups spinach/kale, 2 cups cilantro, water.
4-5 cups mango, 2 cups parsley, 2 cups spinach/kale, water.
My skin is ultra sensitive and raw extra virgin coconut oil works the best for me, when I first started using it, it brought me from a red, irritated face to a normal skin tone. I love it. I use it instead of lotion to. Also get some cardio or hot yoga and sweat it out. :-) Keep us posted. Hope this helps Brianna!
My bad skin has cleared significantly. I still get the odd spot from time to time, so I'm not totally clear, but the improvement is big ;-D
I don't do anything special to my skin besides wash with water. Food wise I have worked out that certain foods do trigger spots for me (dates, fruit juices, rice) and my skin tends to be better when I make sure my protein is a little higher (closer to 10%, as opposed to being really low: 3-4% like it can be easily on this lifestyle).
Hope that helps!