A group for sharing tips, questions & progress reports/photos about HEALING ACNE with the low-fat raw vegan (80/10/10) diet & natural hygiene principles!  Welcome!!! :)
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  • Hi Kierra - do you use neat lavender oil or do you dilute it? And do you wipe it off with the cloth or leave the oil on your skin through the day? I have some in my bathroom but have never tried it on my skin before.

  • hey everyone! ive been struggling with really bad cystic acne for a couple years now and i think ive found the best spot treatment of all time, lavender oil has helped my acne so much i can emphasize this enough, at the beginning of the summer my acne was so bad i hurt to smile, there was dryness, and just an angry looking face but since then ive been putting lavender oil on my face and putting a hot face cloth on my face to 'steam it in' and then right after putting an ice cold face cloth, this also helps with circulation, my face is almost clear and im loving it, thought i should share this for others who are struggling, best of luck!

  • Thanks for the info, now that you say b12 i can actually put it together, that yeah.. it does cause them. I also find that the more bananas i eat the better it gets. What i mean is if i have my mono meals of anything else besides bananas for too long it will pop up here and there

  • @Mikaela Trujillo exactly the same happened to me this week, haha. I hope it will disappear soon

  • hey everyone!  Let me clarify that your skin will get worse at first, its your body cleaning house, your skin is your third kidney :)  To speed it up I take burdock to help get my kidneys filtering, since my SAD diet has pretty much ruined them. 

  • Thankyou for sharing that, Tori!! Woohooooo!
  • <p>I read on here a very strong argument for leaving out high oxalate greens to help with skin problems, has anyone had experience of this and how much difference did it make?

  • OH..and I have been misting my face religiously with rose water and rubbing the rinds of my cantaloupe on my face *^^* hehe~

  • I have struggled with acne since I was 12 (I'm now 28), and during my SLOW but serious/dedicated/faithful transition from vegetarianism, to veganism, to raw veganism, and ALMOST completely 811rv (this has been an eight and a half year journey)I've witnessed miracles!! For the last 5 weeks I've been committed to completing a challenge with a group from my yoga studio. During the challenge, every person was asked to give up something. I took the plunge and gave up caffeinated coffee (but still allowing myself caffeinated tea and decaf coffee~yeahhh...I know, decaf isn't 100% caffeine free, but BABY STEPS*^^*), and about 2 weeks into the challenge, I FINALLY released myself of one of my final SAD diet crutches: mustard (I didn't realize the ridiculous salt addiction I still was holding on to). Just by giving up those two items, I began to see beautiful improvement in the condition of my skin!

    SOOO...in our challenge, during week 4, everyone was required to complete a 3 day fruit cleanse!

    WOO...the only "challenging" part of it for me was to drop the decaf and yerba mate (only water and herbal teas). I have broken the cleanse with a few cups of decaf here and there, but I'M DETERMINED TO COMPLETELY RELEASE MYSELF OF IT! I have been LOVING my skin's AMAZING improvement, and I know that by kicking this one last crutch, my skin will only get better!!! I'm so so so so SO thankful for 811, it has truly changed my life... inside and out!!

  • Guys! I have been doing beauty school, learning how to do waxing makeup etc and one component is FACIALS..

    I never held much faith in this, one, because I don't really like the idea of all the chemicals in the products going onto the skin, and two because I normally couldn't afford to make it a regular thing, BUT..

    Since I have been in training, I have been getting facials once a week for the last 6 weeks (we get into pairs and perform the facials on eachother in class). WELL, I have to say, my skin does feel softer and is even CLEARER than it got when I started going vegan!

     I am still finding it hard to stay away from cooked foods as its so cold where i live at the moment, but definitely going vegan has slowly helped immensely.

    The products used in class are by Algologie, but I have a feeling that it's more to do with the whole treatment which includes cleansing, exfoliating, STEAMING and massage.. I think you can apply these actions with any products you see fit, but doing it regularly and consistently really getting the dirt and bacteria out of the pores would be the main focus for us fruity/ingredient-conscious blemish-prone people.. any thoughts or similar experiences?? J x

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Hi does anyone know if on the raw til 4 life of high carbs low fat, if my rosacea will go away?  I have it on my nose and it makes my nose all red :(  I could be Rudolph's twin.  If anyone knows anything dealing with this subject please do tell!  I appreciate it so, so much!  > <

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Acne on HCLF vegan diet?

Hey guys, I have been on this diet for 4 months now. I follow Raw till 4, eat a lot of fruits during the day and usually have rice and veggies for dinner, fat intake <5%. I work out everyday, drink at least 1 gallon of water per day. I've had clear skin my entire life but since switching to a HCLF vegan diet, I have a lot of acne on my face and back. Can someone please explain that for me? I would truly appreciate the help.

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