Hey guys,
So I've noticed that the last few nights after eating a baked potato or home-made soup (both are completely SALT free) that I wake up around midnight and my mouth is totally dry and I'm choking cause I feel so dehydrated. This happens 2-3 times EVERY night and it's really messing with my sleep schedule. I also noticed that after eating raw I feel incredible and vibrant but after my cooked dinner all of a sudden I'm slammed with fatigued. Obviously the cooked food has to be causing it cause I don't feel thirsty after a raw meal but my question is; why?
I know that ultimately I have to give up cooked food, it's been my plan all along. I just figured that eating cooked vegetable wouldbe better than rice and grains. & especially since I only eat one bowl of soup or one baked potato after my huge fruit dinner...
I'm really looking forward to the day I'll be able to go 100% raw. Thanks Everyone! :)
I used to have the same problem when I'd eat potatoes. I'd recommend boiling your potatoes in plenty of water and then mashing them straight into the water. depending on how much water you use the consistency can be anywhere from mashed potatoes to soup. The addition of carrots and the bitter leafy parts of celery make this really good.
Things that are baked get all the moisture sucked out of them. So when you eat a baked potato it is just dying to drink up whatever it can. If you don't drink enough water with a meal of baked potatoes you will seriously get dehydrated.
yeah I think mine metabolizes pretty slow too. Especially since it takes a few hours for the terrible thirst to kick in.... I read that you should definately NEVER eat fruit after cooked food but thought it was ok to eat it before... Hmmm I'll have to experiment some more. & yeah I thought the soup was pretty harmless also.
Thanks for your reply!
I'm am struggling big time with wanting and trying to go 100% raw. The reason I keep eating baked potatoes and popcorn is ...well a lot of reasons. But the main obvious physical reason is that I feel more full when I eat some cooked food, and I still get cravings almost every evening for pizza. Instead of eating pizza I eat some baked potato most evenings. And even after the potato I still crave the cheese.
I've begun to read Breaking The Food Seduction, by Neal Barnard. And will soon be getting another booked called The Pleasure Trap.
I am also really looking forward to the day the I can be 100% raw and stay that way for the rest of my life!
Thanks Alice, We'll both get there eventually :) & yeah I guess I just eat cooked food because I feel like I need something warm. Or I'm afraid my mom would jump down my throat because I'm not gonna eat a baked potato anymore. But when she's not around it's not so bad and I know I can eat fully raw :) especially with the holidays coming up I know she's gonna freak out when i don't eat pie or turkey or something. Maybe we can start a challenge together when we both decide to give up cooked food :)
I decide every single morning to give up cooked food, or I phrase it more of the positive; Today I am going to be 100% vegan. That is my goal every single day. And most days I end up having cooked food in the evening or sometimes in the afternoon.
Well I do agree that being vegan overall makes us heroes, so congrats for doing that :) I try not to get myself down about eating cooked food but I hate the drawbacks of it; feeling tired, being bloated, etc.. One day I'll throw my hands up and say "OK, it's raw or nothing" and I hope that day is soon. Like you, I'm very happy with being vegan alone :) Like I said, we'll get there one day.