I just had a revelation!

In the last couple hours, I have realized why Raw Till 4 is so important!

So I notice I get 'hangry' quite regularly... without even feeling an emptiness in my stomach. I lose focus, ignoring what's going on around me, including conversations people are having WITH me, I lose patience, I probably have a grumpy face, too.

Instead of Raw Till 4, today I had a Raw-Till-1:30pm day... which rarely happens, but I didn't plan my day properly, had a meeting at a local coffee shop, and settled for their absolutely delicious vegan steel cut oats.

My stomach was still feeling good when I was on my way to work at 3:30, but I knew had to stop and grab food for dinner (very poorly planned day).

By the time I got to work, I must have still been digesting the oats...

I am normally an extremely kind, welcoming, friendly person - but the first customer I had was a mom trying to get her daughter a job, and on reflection, I was really short & impatient with them.

Situation aside, I realized that this part of me is practically unknown, and I can only attribute it to the fact that complex carbohydrates are, well, complex. They are harder for our bodies to break down, therefore taking more time for us to retrieve the precious energy contained within.

My revelation - I always wondered why 4... why is this rule so solid that it creates the title of the lifestyle we follow - why? If we are still including cooked foods in our diet, it is essential that we save them until later in the day when we generally start to wind down, we require less energy, and we probably spend the better part of digestion & assimilation while we are asleep.

People have started asking me about my 'drastic' diet - I often recommend them to start with fruit for breakfast, and now it will come with a disclaimer. The difference between fruit for breakfast, and fruit for breakfast AND lunch is so vast that it can literally change your life - it sure changed mine.

It now makes me curious what all raw long-term would do...

For a while, I gave up this aspiration... but now I'm starting to reconsider.

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  •  that u never heard of it..  does not mean its not there,, i would read Linus Pauling warnings ,,he is one of the worlds greatest early warning doctors.. now with institutes named after him.. If u permit a little remote viewing , u have a problem with attention to detail .. a dislike for complexity .. and  fear of the unknown bordering on rejection.. U lack vitamin D and Zinc apart from the already mentioned minerals.. if u want to strengthen your immune system  source Selenium Methionine.200 micrograms   For instant proof of "i am right" with your pendulum swings , source SAMe  in 100milligram tabs ,  the first one will prove my point,, as u see peop argue forever .. Do something for yourself..  Prove u are deficient of minerals, and agitation is a hormone mediation problem caused by glycemic index peaks .. or dips , esp when u expect a sugar high from a grain which won't give it to you

    • Few references ..  first from Gov Health study : keep in mind Se is also a toxic metal ..

       & figure of 600 billion , is closer to 600 trillion bacteria competing for B12 , about half again able to synthesise it .. so thats a real war inside just for B12 .. most coming from fresh kill. Imagine that.

       Vegan on the outside ..  an if u don't eat fungus .. the body has no choice but to cull those producing bacteria , in a nice symbiotic way .. bit like farming chickens .. only inside your gut ..

      The ability of selenomethionine (SeMet) to be incorporated into the body proteins in place of methionine (Met) furthermore provides a means of reversible Se storage in organs and tissues. This property is not shared by any other naturally occurring selenoamino acid and thus could be associated with a specific physiological function of SeMet. Since higher animals cannot synthesize SeMet, yet from it all needed forms of Se are produced, SeMet meets the criteria of an essential amino acid. Accordingly, SeMet, or enriched food sources thereof, are appropriate forms of Se for human nutritional Se supplementation. However, while SeMet or Se yeast are already widely used in over-the-counter nutritional supplements, infant formulas and parenteral feeding mixtures still contain Se in the form of sodium selenate or sodium selenite, even though these are not the normal nutritional forms of Se. 

      and one in Journal of Nutrition : Selenomethionine

  • What do you mean by "raw,"  anyway?

  • Why become superstitious ?  That was something popular in the middle ages, when there was not enough food to go round.. and when the family gave its last cow to the catholic church when a relative died.

    Catholics have imposed their wills on sheeple far too long.. its become a boring world .. outside of science.

    which so few understand ..  catholic church are moving back in.

    " Absolutely delicious vegan steel cut oats "..  maybe it was the boiled milk substitute that caused temper ..

    since when does " digesting oats"  bring on a personality hidden in there regardless of diet ? 

    "Harder for the body to break down " is a bad attitude .. how about another view : Whole grains provide a more ideal energy release in a low glycemic index .. Quinoa / Buckwheat mix would be a better choice .. Sprouted would be an even better choice ..  with added millet.  Jus add lots of fruit for that Sugar high.

    • I guess I was unclear about feeling that the oats took so long to digest that I felt under carbed even though I felt full... I'm not saying raw till 4 is law for everyone, but for me it has some relevance. Just a theory, posted here in case others had a similar experience.
    • yeah I literally feel a big fruit meal going into my cells, but I only hit the rice (always with some sauce or even in burritos) in the evening and I know it takes time. Quite an odd feeling I like to sleep off and then feel incredible in the morning. I wouldn't think to live on starch "calories" 24/7. Sweet potatoes are doable, but I really don't relish the experience like I do with fruit. Plus I'd need !@#$%^& extended family thanksgiving amount of cooking going on at all times if I wanted real high quality cooked food all the time. Even beautiful steamed veggies of all sorts can leave SOMETHING to be desired. I like raw foodism when it feels doable. I have seen rasta men sleeping wherever, gobbling bananas with a handful of roasted peanuts at night time. If you're on the computer, you got time and money to go get yummy food that doesn't need sauce :D

    • i know what you mean! i ate rice for lunch the other day and it felt really weird. i wasn't used to cooked food in the middle of the day so even though i had enough calories and was full i was lacking energy :)

    • Pleeeze.. a single  dietary experience does not preclude existing conditions.   Peop have a habit  to sum things up on a feeling  or 2.  Rice ? what sort of rice , booed white, steamed brown , polished ? whole ?  did you see rice bran in there ? Likely not, as most bran is used to extract tocotrienol from it .. which is 20 times more effective in the body as common Vit E alpha tocopheral ..  We are not designed to eat rice .. as u can see those eating polished white as a habit suffer from sight disorder ..  

      Energy comes from  Glycolysis (metabolism of glucose), which is formed from sugars .. so the  more fruity u are the general higher availability of the pyruvates to proceed into the high energy stages of ATP production.. Now we come to the clincher.. inadequate minerals will drag the ball an chain .. as polished rice is low in minerals .. so where u gonna get the magnesium essential to convert even your body stores .. that extra sugar which is being malformed into cellulite behind those legs .. ?  No magnesium , (and other trace mins) no energy conversion .. its a no brainer : )   hope that helps your feelings into a sensible diet

    • but you can still get all the vitamins and minerals you need by other foods in your diet even if you have rice too, can't you?  

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