Is this diet possible when bananas may not be an option??

Hello, I am considering moving in with my parents for 6 months but there is a big problem in that my Mum is so allergic to bananas that even the smell makes her vomit!

I thought I could maybe store my bananas in the garden but I run the risk of animals stealing them all haha - does anyone have any experience of storing fruit in the garden??

If that won't work I will have to just not eat bananas while I stay there! Does anyone have any tips for a banana free HCLF diet??

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  • I don't have experience storing bananas in the garden but if you have a car, that might be one storage option. Outside of that, alternative caloric dense fruit options for this time of year are paw-paws (although if the season is over where you live frozen is another good option), persimmons (the fuyu variety ripens faster but the hachiyas are larger and easier to find at Asian markets), dates ( & are good sources), and papaya are what come to mind. If you are incorporating the Starch Solution into your raw diet, you can certainly use oats in smoothies, steam sweet potatoes to add to your salad, ladle a blended soup over a scoop of cooked or sprouted quinoa...and so on. There are lots of other options aside from bananas to keep carbed up if need be. I hope that helps. And all the best to you with your temporary move. :-)
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