Anyone in Hudson County?
Anyone in Hudson County? Would love for an awesome group to someday meet up and have a fruit luck !
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Anyone in Hudson County? Would love for an awesome group to someday meet up and have a fruit luck !
Read more…Hey everyone, I'm from Middlesex County (Edison) Just wanted to say sup and see who's around.
Read more…Hey I'm Ariana. It's about time that I finally have some lovely fruit bats in my life. Let's get this group going and make something happen! I'm thinking a casual meet up at a vegan restaurant or Whole Foods or even in NYC.
Read more…Hey NJers! We just started The NJ Fruitluck meetup group!!The first fruitluck will be Sunday, June 1st at 11 am.We'll try to find a place we can all meet that's not too far for anyone.Please come join the group on meetup.comFirst five members get a FREE bunch of bananas from yours truly.Here's hoping with can break some bananas together,Erica
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anyone in Monmouth county nj? would like to start a fruit buying group & a fruitluck....
Hey everyone! Although I've been vegan for about a year, I'm new to the HCLF raw vegan lifestyle. It's great to meet other people who share a common interest. I'm from Passaic! Anyone else live around this area?
Is anyone in the Manahawkin area? I am surrounded by hunters and fishermen, but I wondered if any other plant based people are around here.
Boy that's far! and Ramapo College is around 30 min north of me. I guess my dreams of having a banana crew in my own neighborhood are unrealistic lmao. One day I'll just have to move to Thailand or something.
I'm from Old Bridge, maybe 45min away. I'm pretty sure you're right near Ramapo College, I have a few friends that go there and my brother went there.. seems like a cool area to live
Hey Mike I'm from Montville. What about you? Well, if there is one that is better than nothing. Even if there are lovely raw foodies out there who live in Jersey, that would be quite nice.
Hey Ariana, where in Morris county are you from? I'm more down in central NJ, not many NJ rawtil4ers i dont think :/
Hi I'm Ariana. I live in Morris County. I need me some raw-till-4-ers in my life!! Is there anyone in North Jersey? I would absolutely love to organize a simple meet up!