Ellen Livingston's participants!! 811 support group for all levels and interested "Raw Foodies"
45 Members

Ellen's Ann Arbor Pot Luck

Feb Pot Luck!

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  • Yess let's do it! If anything we can get a couple people and we all bring a friend or two, even if they're not fruitarian :) I will bring something mango-related!

  • Awesome! I want to see if i can find like 20 people and everyone could bring some fruit and talk :) 

  • I'd be game!

  • Me!!!
  • Who would be interested in a fruitluck near warren michigan??

  • Checking back in, just returned to Michigan after a few months abroad. Met up with some fruity people in Chiang Mai, and would love to get more of a community going around here! Now that the days are growing warm/long and mangoes are starting to come into season, anybody keen on meeting up? 

  • I like that idea Erik!

  • Hey,  would anyone be interested in meeting up and eat some fruit? It would be great to meet some local people! (I know Ellen puts on a monthly fruitluck, but given Woodstock is coming up in a few weeks this month may be a bust) 

  • Greetings from Michigan Fruit Bats!

    There is special project brewing here in the US and I was wondering if of 30BAD's international members would like to be involved. My friend, Adam Kokesh is a political/freedom activist. He wrote a book and is looking for people to help him translate it into every language!  
    Here are links if you wish to check out his work https://www.facebook.com/ADAMVSTHEMAN
    Here is the post from his FB page.
    "I'm editing my book (FREEDOM!) intended for a global audience & would like some feedback from any international AVTM fans who would be willing to help out. We will also need translators and people to read for audio in other languages. Please email me adam@adamvstheman.com if you can help and include a link to your FB page or another site or anything else to verify your identity/location. We especially need people from the following countries:"
    I really like his work and this book will be the 'how to guide' for people that experience state oppression all over the world ;) I would love to have helped out myself but I don't know another language fluently but I thought maybe some here might want to be involved. I really feel his work is very historic, epic, and empowering. 
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  • Hi Everyone, I am looking for a fruity room to rent, preferred furnished as I don't have any furniture but I could make do with an unfurnished one. Text me anytime 313-820-4558 if you are interested :)

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Let’s talk about an important area of controversy: the Vitamin B-12 Controversy!

From: Frederic PatenaudeLet’s talk about an important area of controversy: the Vitamin B-12 Controversy! Do you need a supplement? A lot of raw food leaders seem to think not. My advice four many years has been the same: because vitaminB12 is such a key vitamin, and that the jury is still not completelyout on whether vegans absolutely need it or now, it is better to takethe supplement as an insurance policy. Vitamin B12 plays a key role in brain function and the nervous system. Vitamin B12 is…

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