We really appreciate the effort you are all putting in here. We have been enjoying many of the changes.
Thanks to you Prad for being such a great leader, your organisational skills are amazing!
We look forward to further developments and apologise for not being around so much. We don't have the internet where we are and have to travel 10kms to use it out the back of our local fruit shop ;-D (theres perks) We are also organising for the Woodstock Fruit Festival in New York in August. We will probably get to the US in June/July if any of you are around? Well that's if we don't get turned around at the airport because of all these lawsuits Harley is accruing !
Thanks again friends :-))
Thank you for your kind words in regards to the peacekeepers.
A personal thank you to you and DR for starting this website as it was pivotal in my acceptance of lfrv and a continued source of support. I have learned many things not only about diet, but about animal rights and the environment.
Thanks again to Prad for your leadership and for being there to answer my questions and supportive during my moments of painful mental expansion.
Great to be working with the other peacekeepers, and hope to continue building a strong team and friendships for years to come.
In Peace, PK
Right back at you, thank you Free and DR for creating this beautiful website! It's an honor to help keep it the gem that it is! :)
I second Freelee's thank you! I've learned so much from you and gained much from knowing you!
With Best Wishes! XO