this group is for moderator discussion, direction and support. only moderators are permitted to participate here and the contents have deliberately been made unavailable for general viewing.
15 Members

welcome fellow peacekeepers

the purpose of this group is to provide a resource for mods so that we can do the job in an equitable, effective fashion as well as maintain the integrity and standards laid out by the site owners.

please feel free to ask any questions regarding any aspect of the job or any specific situations since discussion will likely benefit all of us ... but don't ask me!

in fiendship,


Or contact freelee with any questions on

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  • We have moved to another platform for the time being...

    Please join
  • hehe Windy very cute. My thoughts exactly Tara.
  • Lol. That's what I thought. Sorry Fred. Better luck next time.
  • i_use_my_powers_for_good_t_shirt-p2353751611178550873lnj_400.jpg
  • Yes Sultana I gave you the powers back, I feel if we all have them then we can get the job done more efficiently and I trust you guys with them. :)
  • Oh yeh Don't let Fred in, geez that man never gives up! He poses as Sonia Stein on facebook and slanders us there too lol
  • Well, the stalking Freelee bit sounds sufficient on its own for refusing him membership.
  • Haha. No worries Sultana :)
    I remember him attacking Freelee quite a bit when he was removed from 30BaD. Sending personal messages and using Facebook. I can't quite remember the reason for his banning, but he seems to like causing trouble wherever he goes. 


  • Haha.Tarah, you must think I'm an idiot for asking when his photo is right there for the looking :)

    I just looked up his profile under "Members awaiting Approval". I seem to have this ability again now, I did originally as a PK, then I lost it, and now it's back... So basically until about 5 minutes ago I didn't realize that I could once again view pending members...

    Now, back on topic: I do remember Fred being quite argumentive and difficult, but I don't recall the exact circumstances of his most recent banning. I guess it's just a question of Is he worth the potential trouble? Or has he calmed down?

  • Yes I am
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i want to let pks officially know that due to my various involvements in other projects and groups that i will not be doing my usual route on 30bad upholding guidelines and being meany to violators (and anyone else) thereof. i appreciate the opportunity freelee gave me to play admin and have thoroughly enjoyed it, but i have to get on to other matters as alluded to over the past couple of weeks. (i have tried to leave the group, but due to ning's rather strange way of doing things, it seems i…

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nayeon k

wished to leave and sent this to me via pm: Hi there..I wish to close my account as soon as possible since I am no longer a Fruitarian.  Thank you.. so i assisted her exodus since she couldn't find the door in settings, keeping content in tact. in friendship,prad

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Steven   I posted a reminder for him.  His response does not acknowledge his mistake, he just changes what he said and states that his post was within guidelines which it is not.   He's rude in general to DR and myself and not clear and imo not worth spending more time on.  I would like his posts deleted on this thread.  My effort to corral him in fell on deaf ears.   If…

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Anybody know whats up with this lil mushroom?   he just added this tweet to his page: too many arseholes on here for my liking     also see some antagonistic replies in this thread:

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9 Replies