Anyone know where to buy wholesale organic fruit in Spokane or CDA area? Only place I know of is Spokane Produce but they won't sell me anything without a business license.
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Last summer they had organic peaches and I think nectarines. Much cheaper than any grocery store, but still not cheap like organic bananas. Worth the splurge since they have such a short season. For those that eat cooked, Costco also has lots of organic rice and pastas and such. A few months ago they had an organic blitz thing and had tons of organic stuff. Sadly, most of it was just for that promo.
Costco has loads of organic stuff...apples, nanas, spinach, kale, frozen fruits of all kinds, frozen veg, if you eat packaged stuff they have tons of that (tomato paste/canned tomatoes, etc......dried fruits of all kinds, tofu......and lots more.....loads!
Winco has an increasing selection, but the prices aren't always the best...
Costco has a pretty good selection of produce, and most of its organic. I've never heard of Charlie's produce . The only other place I know of is Windco, but I've never been There, so I have no clue what they have, or how prices are. I also get some of my produce from supper one, I think it's prices tend to be a bit better than other supermarkets.
Thanks! Costco was one option I was going to check into. Do they have a good selection of organic produce? The other option I came across was "Charlie's Produce." Have you ever shopped with them? They are another wholesaler.
Costco has loads of organic stuff...apples, nanas, spinach, kale, frozen fruits of all kinds, frozen veg, if you eat packaged stuff they have tons of that (tomato paste/canned tomatoes, etc......dried fruits of all kinds, tofu......and lots more.....loads!
Winco has an increasing selection, but the prices aren't always the best...
Ill checkout Costco this weekend. Laura said she thought they didnt have a huge selection of organic produce.. which Costco are you going to?