I always feel when I'm eating completely raw more balanced, happy, peaceful and more willing to care about others, in general.


When I don't eat high carb low fat raw, I tend to not feel as good, and no matter how "selfish" it is, I don't care about or care for hanging around other people.  Before raw, I considered my relationships more as a nuisance than a gift.  Balancing avoiding them and connecting just enough was key. 


After being raw I feel truly nourished and I do not feel strained for my energy and love in my relationships.


Why I am posting about this in the mental health section is that for a LONG TIME I believed my problems for not wanting to be around people was because of my mother, who was emotionally draning and abusive while I was growing up.  However, when I'm completely raw, while my past is still important, I don't care to dwell in it, hence the lack of need for superior therapeutic counseling intervention. 


Some people believe that we should be happy grateful and gracious to others no matter what our diet. But to me, emotional resistance to relationships is a sign of not meeting physiological needs. Advocating for beautiful relationships without taking care of one's physical self is unsustainable. And while others may never know the effects of high carb raw, I do now and I'm quite a stickler for it. I can't imagine going any other way long term in the sense that I now know what it feels like to take full care of myself and denying myself that means that I will feel resistant to giving my all to anyone else.


My relationships depend upon my happiness and willingness/openness to care and share.  When I'm struggling to feel good myself and struggling for my own needs, I don't give a **** about other people.  Sure, I could pass through with a fake smile and laugh while listening to other people, but I do not fully engage.  Perhaps my past of emotionally caring for my adult mother as a child makes me much more sensitive to my own needs being threatened, but I actually count this as a blessing, as when I DO meet my own needs for FRUIT carbs, sleep, exercise, and water, I find myself being an incredibly gracious, generous, joyful person.

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  • That was so insightful, and well articulated. I absolutely agree.I'm really glad you wrote this because I struggled with the exact same problems, astonishingly similar even in parenting issues you describe. And yes it has all to do with us not meeting our own needs.
  • Thank you for your post!

    Gratitude, quality time with others, self confidence, smiling, caring for others, and choosing healthful foods are all serving to build your joy.

    It's great to hear and share in your success! Keep on going, one step at a time, one day at a time.. because that's how you get there!

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