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  • Hi Mara! Go right ahead and use my photo, I encourage it. Any details you need just let me know. I'm going to be creating my own youtube channel here in the next couple of weeks and I'm gonna be going over everything; my entire weightloss journey.

  • Hi, Mara, thanks for the add. :) Truth be told, I don't eat all raw either. But I've learned to let go of the guilt about it. I am where I am, and I i still love it. For me it's about bringing more positivity into my being as much as I can.

    What do you study in school?

  • Gald were friends Mara! :))

  • Thanks for the friendship, Mara! :]
    Hope to see you around!

  • Thanks! I have been a vegan since 2003 and recently trying to go 100% raw. The experiences and problems that you are having is quite normal, and you should not worry too much about it . Just remember a change like this does not happen overnight. Always set small objective and think long term gains. As long as you have DECIDED,COMMITTED, you will SUCCEED.                                     And buy the way the new photo you posted shows a beautiful,fresh,enrgetic and revitalized face. Please stay with this diet you will be all right.


  • Welcome to 30bad, I've been expected you! :)

  • Hello! How is this new diet coming along for you? Good luck.

  • Hey Maraw! Thanks for the add. I agree, it would be nice to chat! Feel free to PM anytime. <3 Ly

  • Oh, fun. My sister graduated from there. It's a pretty happenin place surrounded by beautiful bluffs.

    I see you're in a Power of Now group. I'm in the middle of that book right now. It all makes sense, but it's so much at once!

  • Welcome! :) Welcome! :) Welcome! :)

    Check out All aboard the Banana Welcome Wagon! to read about how things are done on 30BAD and the 30BAD basics, including frequently asked questions and exceptional threads for information and inspiration!

    Best Wishes,


    30BAD Peacekeeper

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