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  • I just came across your videos on Youtube. They're great and you're doing a wonderful thing by spreading the knowledge :) 

  • 1t'5 Go0d CrA2y!

  • hi sylvie! you may have seen this thread:

    What's the most annoying thing anyone has said to you about your diet?

    you may find some good stuff for your videos here ... or may be it might be worth a video on its own.

    in friendship,


  • I haven't tried Durian as of yet... Seems to me that they're quite the 'haute cuisine' of this community. They're right up your street too by the sounds of it! Where did you first try them?

  • Hello! I like your videos, so funny, informative and entertaining. Hey not only that you are very interesting to watch and things you say are very insightful. I like to meet like-minded people like you and share thoughts on veganism and life in general. would you mind if I add you to my friends list.

  • Love your vids VNB :)

  • Hey, thanks for the add. You're pics are great. Want more!

  • Wow, so schön! Lebst Du dort fest? Ja, das wäre wirklich wunderbar! Viele liebe Grüsse und ich ess jetzt weiter meinen feinen Apfelbanänchen. :)

  • hey there. thanks for the add ;].  LOL @ the alien head banana

  • Meet a fellow ninja:


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