Most of my friends in college are not raw vegans, but they definatley love fruit, do their best to stay as healthy as they can, and enjoy the company of others. What is great about being a student is trying and learning new things! For this reason, I
We ALL have the friends or just people we've come across that question this lifestyle, and it can get to be a but much sometimes as well as difficult to not sound defensive or like a 'know it all'. Please share how you deal with this issue/ how you t
I have to say I am really thankful to follow a LFRV lifestyle.
This year, I was able to go to a Vegan Thanskgiving potluck hosted by the university I attend. Although the majority of the food was cooked, I brought a raw zuchinni pasta ( which went ov
Man do I wish I was LFRV in highschool... nuff said!
Highschool students (depending on the area/ school) can be judgemental, but also very open to new ideas. This is an important time in a student's life to start really defining themselves as an indi
My mom tells me all the time: " You've got champagne tast on a beer budget." As ironic and cliche' as that sounds, she has a point. Raw food can get expensive, especially when you have student loans to worry about. So how do you budget your food expe