For those from or currently living in San Antonio. Share the best fruit scores and maybe we can do meet-ups :)

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  • So happy to see a San Antonio group! I live in Boerne

  • Hi, my name is Melani, and I live near San Antonio, Texas. I am a new vegan, I officially committed to a cruelty free lifestyle on June 25, 2014. I have many questions, but would like to save those for future posts. I'd just like to introduce myself, for now, and get to know you all! Take care!
  • Awesome, thank you so much for the info! Excited to try out the fruit there now. I can't wait to have some jicama again, they don't even know what that is over here. Best of luck in your new place by the way. I hope the move went well. I just dove into everything today, sorting and packing, forgot how physically and emotionally exhausting it can be! I'm off to bed now, night night everyone! ;) xxx

  • Still Dreams, I had to look up EDS 3.  I was having a problem with extreme sleepiness and going through my bookshelf, I found a book I had read many years ago.  The title is "Your Body's Many Cries for Water."  I thought I was getting enough water naturally from my high fruit diet, but I decided to reread the book.  The author said that water must be ingested in its natural state with at least a half gallon a day.  I started to do this and my extreme sleepiness has disappeared.  The doctor makes a very clear representation of how all bodily processes from the lowest to the highest is dependent on a well-hydrated body.  The doctor has a web site, i.e.,  Perhaps his recommendations might help.  Certainly there are no adverse effects from drinking that much water.

    WaterCure | The Miracles of Water to Cure Diseases
  • Still Dreams!  Welcome to Texas!  I hope you survive the heat of August, but September is looking good. I just wanted to comment that the best produce in San Antonio on a daily basis is from the grocery store chain H.E.B.  The company is really pushing organic and it the company is based on San Antonio so you can kind of consider it a local buy as they do buy from the local area first.  Also they do not have any GMO produce in the produce department.  There is also a Whole Foods grocery way in the old money section of San Antonio.  There is a very good Farmer's Market going during the growing season in Fredericksburg, Texas on Thursdays from 4:00 to 8:00 pm, in the Main Plaza.  Hope this helps.

  • Hi Still Dreams! Nice to meet you and welcome! I actually just recently moved out of Sam Antonio for a job change. But I do know of a great place to get your produce. The San Antonio Produce Terminal. Anyone including normal customers can buy from the vendors there for usually a small discount. The plus is you can get ripe produce there for discounts. Check out the banana distributing company there. That's what it's called. They have a Facebook and you can get boxes of ripe bananas for 5-10$! They aren't really even that ripe, yellow with tiny brown specks, beginning to ripen. They also run specials from time to time at large discount. Look them up and give them a call and ask. Haha if they ask you how you found them, say, I know this fellow banana eater that bought banana boxes
    lady that referred me to you. Lol they should remember. But oh how I miss San Antonio.

    I have been rt4 for about 8 months now, though there have been days where I had higher fat salt of course. I'm not perfect but I try. Also new to veganism and living it.
  • Hi Everyone! I'm moving to San Antonio at the end of August so decided to find some new friends and didn't even think to look here but glad I found you! I've been Vegetarian since I was 15 and transitioned into Vegan about 15 monhs ago. I've been Raw til 4 about 6 months. I currently live in England and we have amazing market stalls to buy all kinds of fruit and veg. I'm a little worried about where I'll find my fruit in San Antonio (I'll be in the Live Oak/Universal City area), I would love some recommendations. I'm definitely on a budget because I have a chronic illness (EDS 3) and can't work (hoping that the Texas heat will help though, I'm so ready to go back to work!). I'm having mom pick up some fruit from HEB so the bananas will have time to ripen for my arrival but would rather go to a market because it's cheaper!

    Will write more later, just wanted to say a quick hello before I head out the door. Hope you are having a great weekend!!! :)

  • Wow you have a great story, and you look great by the way! That is amazing how much you healed, and it's no doubt of course! If you eat this way for a while, you will surely see huge transformations. I have so much more energy now, released myself of eczema,  got rid of my attention deficit disorder, and have lost about a pound of fat so far. I started this lifestyle full-on March 2014. I started this past year for a couple months actually, BUT I was not consistent with it because I was definitely under carbed and not eating enough, which caused me to binge and have to start all over again. 

    I am so thankful for Freelee and Durianrider, that they helped spread the message to me and thousands of others, and more to come! I will never look back, ever.

    As for my diet now, I'm eating mainly boxes of bananas, strawberries, mangos, melons, grapes (in season right now!) and lettuce greens. For dinner I usually eat a starch meal based around rice, corn pasta, or potatoes, and I supplement with a can of beans once a week (at most). Feelin' great! 

    Oh and I buy the organic bananas here at my local HEB near western San Antonio. They are like $25 for a box of organic. I am choosing to eat organic bananas from now on, the conventional ones don't sit well with me anymore, and can sometimes unripen improperly having a grayish tint to them... Also, the way the workers are treated on conventional farms is horrendous, Dole for one, doesn't even tell the workers of the risk of infertility and diseases or even DEATH caused by the huge amounts of pesticides they use. They also pay off the families of the workers to keep them quiet. I for one do not want to ingest something that causes infertility, even if I don't eat the peel. There is a film being made on this, I think it's called Bananas!* . 

    Ohhh and one last thing, FWI the grapes at HEB are 97 cents per pound right now. I know they are higher in pesticides but I soak them in a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water, with some lemon juice to counteract the smell of the vinegar.

  • Hi, Hannah!  I was 235 pounds when I began just raw fruits and vegies juiced in a juicing machine, fresh.  I began to lose a pound a day with no ill effects.  Then I decided to go on Dr. Graham's diet since it was low fat.  I figured once I got to my healthy weight, I would go back to my usual!  I began to feel so wonderful and enjoyed the food so much I continued on it long enough to get my blood sugar tests and I was absolutely normal!  Also I was barely able to walk with osteoarthritis in all my lower joints,  hips, knees and ankles.  I have no pain whatsoever now and can stride around all day.  So I am hooked on this way of living.  Sometimes when I see a morbidly obese person as I was, I just want to cry for them because I know how each day is physical torture.  I hope I never lose the desire to remain healthy as I am now. 

    I am glad you have found H.E.B. because their produce is so good.  At the H.E.B. in Boerne (north of San Antonio) they are now stocking Fair Trade Organic bananas. I bought some and they are delicious. The store also featured lots of organic berries--strawberries and blueberries.  There were some new species of melons too.

  • Hi you two! I recently moved to SA because my husband works in the oilfield. I have been full on high carb vegan for about 4 months now. I'm loving how great I feel. I have yet to lose a significant amount of weight. I've only lost about a couple pounds of fat. But who cares! All that matters is how I feel and how healthy I am. I buy all my produce at HEB because it is relatively cheap and good quality. Love their organic section
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