A group/support network for HCRVegans in Scotland, a country which is beautiful but does not have the best climate for fruit-growing! (:

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  • If this group is still active can you please get in touch. Would be good to talk to similar people. I am just south of Edinburgh.

  • Good evening from Edinburgh!!

  • I think we should all go to the new vegan restaurant opening in Glasgow and talk about fruit!!
  • Hello from Perth. :)

  • Aberdeen? Anyone?

  • hello, i am getting ready to start hclfrv, and will really appreciate advice about living the lifestyle in the uk. i live just outside edinburgh, so any good tips re fruit hunting would be great. thanks ahead, gill :)

  • Hi Gwendolyn, hope all's well in the Netherlands. I wondered why you wanted to move to the Northwest coast of Scotland? The weather can be very harsh there (although I love it). If you are committed fruit munchers you may find it a little harder to get your daily fruit allowance here. However, it is possible. I am little closer to the metropolitan centres and so can get decent fruit, but I do depend on our local/Scottish fruits through the summer. I also eat a lot more non-sweet fruits and veggies than my fruity mates in America! I find that when I am camping in the northwest, I eat a LOT more fruit - I need the heat :) Let us know when you make the move!

  • oh great, thanks. sounds good.

  • i would like to for a day or so!

  • Would be visiting Glasgow & London sometime at the end of this year - would like to learn what being vegan/raw is like there!

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Where do you buy your fruit? Shop? Wholesale?

Hi felow fruitarians! I've been doing this for only a few weeks and at the moment, I usually buy my fruit at asda. It's okay pricewise, could be better but I'm not complaining.Where do you get yours from? Is there any good wholesale?I wish there was like a market here or something. I live in Perth and there is none here.

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