Group about the greatest books- what, why, how they impacted your life.
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  • Recently read "Emissary of Light" by James Twyman.  Fascinating, non-fiction story about a group meditating for world peace.  Very inspiring....

  • Thank you, all of you for sharing the books that has inspiring/are inspiring you. I'm pretty new to this community. Reading and keep on educating myself while going raw, feels so valuable and just what I need right now. A lot is happening in my process of shedding off the old. I have time for and with myself now, and no other I "have to" take care of. And that is also new and different for me. And also what a blessing. So I will take good care of myself this upcoming weeks and months - doing my daily running exercise and strenghtening training, good nutrition through the food I'm eating AND enjoying some of the books you guys are recommending. I'm almost done with Dr. Douglas Graham's book 80-10-10, and it is really making an impact on me! So great, and just perfect right now. I wish you all all the best on your journeys and than you for your inspiration by sharing the books!! Love, Lena

  • Hello, guys! I just finished reading "Kafka on the shore" by Haruki Murakami. It's very easy to read and makes you think and doubt a lot of things. If you really want to enjoy this book, you have to be open-minded for new possibilities. As you progress, everything starts to "make sense", but then... Ok, highly recommended :)
    Greetings from Mexico!

  • I recently read a book called, "Earthing" by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra and Martin Zucker.  It's subtitled "the greatest health discovery ever?".

    Wonderful, fascinating information about the health benefits of going barefoot or using grounding products.  Much research done.

  • I recently finished Planetary Dreams by Robert Shapiro.  Author is a Ph.D Chemistry professor that speculates about life beyond earth, as well as the origins of life on earth.  It is a bit dated, written, in the late 1990s, but much of the information is still valid and interesting!  I would recommend it!

  • That sounds really cool Sarah! Im in the middle of 4 books at the moment lol! Im still in the middle of "The Road Less Traveled", havesince started "Cupid's Poisened Arrow" "Notes to Myself" and "The Secret". I have so many books on my to read list, i have been meaning to read anything by Eckard Tolle for months now. All in perfect timing :)

  • I really enjoyed "The Isaiah Effect" by Gregg Braden.  He talks about how a small percentage of the population can change the energy in the world to peace!

  • Hi, Just finished reading "Wishes Fulfilled" by Wayne Dyer.  It's just wonderful; life-changing, about being the best one can be.  Highly recommended!

  • Danodyful.. New earth was life changing for me. I first read it four years ago, but I still have to read it again and again! So happy that so many people are reading it

  • Eckard Tolle The New Earth A life changing book for me. I have view life in a new way and  what I call "I" has completely changed along with everything. I'm at peace and it's wonderful because of a book written by a person. The ideas and concepts were and are put into action and the change is me, Amazed and thankful.

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