Hello, Everyone! I was diagnosed with low Vitamin D. Big surprise--, right? Not really--arent' most people? This is my beginning readings cause basically just starting out--last month was first month. My level is 18.7 and Doc says s/b at least 30 or more. I am seeing on here the D3 is the better one, but D2 seems to be vegan. At the health food store they had one D3 from fish and one D3from sheep wool (lanolin). They mentioned the D2 that it was vegan. Well, I got the lanolin one cause I really don't want to consume anything from a fish. What are your thoughts? Sorry if this is mentioned somewhere and I didn't catch it. Thanks for your help in advance.
Also, I am working to stay out a little longer in the Florida sun--its been so hot and I have been suffering with dry skin due to iron deficient anemia--I just found out--but trying to do the 20 minutes daily. Also, making sure I get my quota of spinach and iron rich greens now. My B12 appears to be OK.
Thanks for the info, Lissa. What state do you live in? I am thinking I can do the same by just being outside in the Florida sun--wouldn't you think? Especially now that its cooler. I would love to avoid supplements, but all these years in Florida and I only had a level of 13, of course using sunscreen. I need to read up on why sometimes the skin is not able to absorb the sun in spite of being out there in it.
Thanks for the wealth of info, Don. I read your paper on D too. As usual I am learning and learning new stuff and this is all vital info. I will tell my family to make sure they are taking Vit D supplements as well. I didn't realize the sun had such a cleansing effect on our bodies, but knew that when I spend the day outside--feel so renewed. If you in South Florida are not getting sufficient D from the sun down there, then I know me in Central won't.
Me, I'd take the more effective (D3) one if I'm deficient already. Also there are many articles out now that the low doses usually recommended in the past are obsolete and it is fine to take up to 80k IU per day to cure a deficiency for several weeks, and 5k - 20k per day thereafter since we naturally produce up to 20k from the sun. Also the healthfood store is probably expensive. Check out Walmart or Costco, especially Costco, they have very low cost D3. Or online, www.amazon.com or www.iherb.com They're probably all from wool.
My most recent Vitamin D 25-OH level was 39 ng/mL (low - sufficient). I take a daily dose of 5750 IU of D3 cholecalciferol in an attempt to raise my level to at least 50 ng/mL.
I am out in the sun every day, year round, and although my vitamin D may be low, I still got squamous cell carcinoma on my leg.
I have also been taking 54 mg of ferrous gluconate for several years to keep my RBC, hemocrit and hemoglobin at adequate levels.
Wanted to clarify--I believe I had been borderline anemic months before I started 811 (due to menstrual bleeding), so don't blame the new diet for it. I just didn't realize I had fallen that low and on this diet you realize how important then are the greens/salads to keep up your minerals.