I love youtube a lot. It is, pretty much, my #1 favorite website (don't worry 30BAD, you are my #2 ;D). I don't watch television at all or very rarely, youtube is much better entertainment (plus i don't have to wait through bulls*** commercials, that promote lifestyle that I despise and ads for meds to deal with consiquenses of that lifestyle, every 5 minutes)
Recently I have watched a few videos by a channel named "VeganAtheist". I've stumbled upon it several times in the past, but never really watched any of its videos untill like a week ago. A lot of his videos are quite good on my opinion. I haven't watched all of them, but my favorites so far are the "dumbest meat eater comments of the week" or "dumbest christian comments of the week", and so on in likely manner. In those videos, he often has guest hosts(some popular atheist youtubers) read out the dumbest christian or muslim comments, after which veganatheist breaks them down point by point and explains why they are so dumb. If you haven't checked out VeganAtheist channel yet, you definotely should.
Honest to say, that experience opened up an entire youtube community for me. I checked out some youtubers that veganatheist had on his show and a lot of what they had to say really grabed my attention. Just as I didn't know about existence of vegan community before the summer of 2012, I didn't know about atheist community on youtube untill a few days ago. As i viewd some of the youtubers promoted by veganatheist, i kept finding more and more as, essentially, most of them support and cross promote each other to make their message stronger.
I think that I knew before what atheism means, but I never knew why people don't believe in a christian god, or any faith/religion what so ever untill i listened to what some of the people from atheist community had to say.
By the amounts of views those people get, I think that it's a pretty hot topic and it get attacked just as much as vegan movement does. Honestly, it reminds of vegan/vegetarian movement A LOT.It is set on educating people with honest objective information, void of personal interest, in order to better our human society on this planet (exactly just as a vegan movement). They strive for people to be logical, reasonable and objective. Follow the science, not the prejudeces that have been programmed into people's heads after years and years of preaching lies. Doesn't it sound similar? Isn't what we want. Essentially, our movements are parallel, two arrows flying in the same direction, but striking a bit different target. What I find peculiar, is that I hear more and more that many people in atheist movement chose vegetarinism and veganism. i.e. VEGANatheist. There are youtubers like, JaclynGlenn (check her out, she's awesome), she is vegetarian (practicly vegan i think, not 100% sure) and advocates it freely. It's really not that surprising. Once you start thinking critically, abandon "bias & prejudice" camp and choose to be a member of "objective & reasonable" camp, it ONLY MAKES SENSE when it comes to a different topic, you should try and remain reasonable, logical and objective (and we all know, that when it comes to diet and lifestyle, health of this planet, people and the animals, there is no more reasonable, logical and objective choice than going veg).
Unfortunately, not all of the atheism advocates are vegan or vegetarian, not all of them are slim and healthy and fit either, since, for a lot of them, (unlike a vegan camp) health, fitness and animal rights are usually not the main objective for a discussion. BUT, I belive one day this demographic, of smart and objective people, could potentially have a great support for veganism and may be vise versa, because I belive that both atheist and vegan movementscarry great messages and can be interwoven. After all, in a bigger picture, what all of us are trying to do is to educate people.
Just as vegan movement, atheist movement has its own reprsentatives that attract different sub-demographic: there are clowns and jokers like durianrider, for example CultOfDusty or darkmatter2525 (check them out, won't regret it, these guys are hilarious); there are smart and sexy b!tches like Freelee, for ex. JaclyGlenn, there are people like PlantPositive or Michael Greger and talk about science a lot, for ex. Thunderf00t; there are many scientist that support atheism just as many medical doctors we know that advocate whole foods plant based diet ,etc. (Those are the only youtubers i know and have watched so far, there's a lot more)
It's quite interesting. I don't know if anyone else but me has noticed this. Definitely, if you are open-minded person, which all of us here on 30bad should be, it is a wothy topic to check out