I'm Yan, from germany, 19 years old and at the moment I'm in an schooling for biology. The schooling lasts 3 years (2,5 years left). Then I definitly go somewhere else. But I also think about breaking it because it really don't make me happy. I'm in a really unhealthy inviroment here and it kinda makes me sick. I'm HCLFRV/RT4 already. I don't know if it makes sence to move on and get then a job I maby hate to do?!
On the other site it could be a door to a job that I MABY want to do. But at the moment my wish to just rest, start an advanture, just heal myself in a fruit paradise and doing what I really want to do. But if I move it has to be sustainable. I don't want to just move one year abroad and then have to go back to germany.
Well I have plans for the holidays (February 2016). So I can build an own pictures of a country I consider for the future.
Places I consider:
- tropical
- cheap life
- hot weather
Fruit Places:
- tropical
- very cheap life
- hot weather
- for western people is it hard to learn the language
- thai people are worldwide known for their guest friendship
- a lot of vegan food and a big variety of fruits (biggest in world, isn't it?)
- maby hard and expensive to emigrate
- much air pollution because of traffic and forest fires
- tropical
- cheap life
- easier to emigrate
Costa Rica:
- tropical
- prices have raised (you better grow your own food)
- high criminal rate (in the cities)
Fruit Places:
- Quintessence fruit farm
- RawTreatCostaRica:
- not tropical/in winter maby a bit to cold
- easy for europeans to emigrate (Europeans can go there with a passport and emigrate if there work there)
- spanish is not that hard to learn and many people can english too
Canary island (are part of spain):
- are one of the warmest places in europe (even in wintertime)
- Language: spanish (a lot of people speak english)
- have a lot different climate zones
In most countrys Emigration is possible though:
- marriage
- realatives
- buying a place/house
- or get a child in this country
If there is something wrong please correct me ;)
Hi Yan, thanks 4 considering the Quintessence farm...
Some guests have been here on a low budget (long term) and they come back.
hi carine, I can visit your farm too, It is not far from rawtreat, isn't it?
mangostan: if youre going to asia at the end of jan beginning of feb, you could maybe go to indonesia in the southern hemisphere. it'll be durian season then. i know for sure on the island of java jan and feb fall in with durian season. it will however not be durian season in thailand. i was thinking about maybe taking a trip myself over to indonesia for durian around the same time. we'll see how it goes.
Yeah, I think this would also be exciting, travelling is great. What do you know more about indonesia? I think I came to the conclusion that resting at some great place would be the best for me at the moment. The more I think about this the more it makes sense. And doing something good to serve nature would also give people more sense to life.
How do you come to the conclusion that it does makes sense to continue being a consumer, travelling around the world just for fun?!? And please explain me that by doing so, whatsoever good is there in there for NATURE? By using still more of precious recourses supporting CO 2 is rising ...? How about the very title of this page?!? Serious plans on resettling abroad...creating Paradise
Ray: You're right travelling is not the fulfilling part for humans and NOT serving nature at any part. And staying here would continue to feed the big consumer machine. Bying fruits of nature in little plastic packages was not what I indended to do.
You misunderstood what I was trying to tell. I sad travelling is great BUT I think it can also be exhausting and expensive. Also I think best for me at the moment would be to rest on a place like yours. So I'm NOT revised my plans. I meant the very opposite, is my english that bad? I think what I need now is a lot of corrage. I know how my family, friends and schoolmates would react like if I would tell them that I would leave forever. They would just say things like: "Won't you finish education? You don't know what kind of place you really go to? It's too risky. You only know them from the internet." Those kind of thoughts...
But I think you always have to take some risk and let go to win something.
Hey Jan, um dich zumindest mit mir (oder anderen deutschsprachigen wie Matthias) deutlicher auszudruecken, kannst du das auch in deiner Muttersprache machen. So kann zumindest ich dich unmissverstaendlich verstehen. Um dich mit deinen KOmmentaren auch mit anderssprachigen austauschen zu koennen, koenntest du ne engl Version mitanhaengen
Und noch ein Hinweis von meiner Seite: wenn ich immer soviel auf anderer Leute Meinung gehoert haette und ihren Aengsten gefolgt waere, waere ich sicherlich nicht hier und koennte dieses absolut gefriedigende Leben geniessen. Only dead fish go with the flow!
Gut dass du auch Deutsch kannst. So kann ich mich nämlich deutlicher ausdrücken und Missverständnisse vermeiden. Also du bist auch damals von Deutschland ausgewandert? Ja das Zitat ist gut und echt wahr. Ich möchte euren Ort unbedingt mal im Februar 2016 besuchen, ist das möglich? Vielleicht muss ich dann auch nie mehr zu Deutschland zurück :)
Ich bin damals Sept. ¨99 das erste mal auf costaricanischem Boden gelandet. Ich war sofort von den Natureindruecken und den Moeglichkeiten fasziniert, was man hier so verwirklichen kann, wenn man gewisse Vorraussetzungen mitbringt.
Ich habe seitdem versucht, das was ich hier erfolgreich lebe an Gleichgesinnte weiterzuvermitteln und selbst zu leben...wo moeglich, indem wir zusammen arbeiten und -leben. Wenngleich auch lediglich aeusserst Wenige ernsthaft willens und faehig waren, so haben sich doch welche gefunden, um ihre Visionen in die Tat umzusetzen. Soweit hat sich um mich herum eine 6-koepfige Familie gebildet und ein Gemeinschaftsmitglied.
Wir selbst wachsen aus unseren Erfahrungen und somit auch unser Projekt. Somit empfangen wir auch immer mehr Leute die fuer sich herausfinden wollen, ob sie sich uns anschliessen moechten....Wenn du einer jener sein magst, dann heissen wir dich hier sehr willkommen. Bis Februar ist ja noch eine Weile, die du nutzen kannst, um dich gut auf deine Reise vorzubereiten.
Pura Vida!
Ich war dort auf dem Fruit Festival in andalucia und auf dem Fruit Luck am malaga beach. Ja ich mag auch max. Natur ;) Ich hab bereits einige Samen gesammelt :)