Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).
I started to watch freelees videos which became highly addictive and informative to me, overtime I became more aware of your surroundings and what I was consuming. I have previously tried going vegetarian which I now think that veganism is ideal for me. I have never really fancied meat all that much as the taste and texture etc doesn't appeal too much for me, and usually get the meals without meats as a personal preference. I have noticed in the time that I have not eaten meat I have shread weight and my bowels and digestion have greatly improved. Also as a pharmacy intern having learn all the backbone information about the risks of cancer and breakdown of certain products I can understand why cutting down or removing meats from the diet plays as a great advantage. I'm hungry for knowledge and aspire to become fully vegan.
What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.
Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:
I'm not HCRV but would enjoy participating in the discussions, I really want to be HCRV and just need some guidance, I'm exploring various possibilities
Are you Connected?
no single
My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...
Books relating to self development, including
Don't sweat the small stuff
How to stop worrying and start living
10% happier
How to win friends and influence people
The happiness hypothesis
The China study
Please list your website/blog/facebook/myspace etc
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
I'm very interested in learning what fruits and vegetables you should eat at what different times, what are different micro-nutrients breakdowns of foods are. And more about the micro-nutrient profile requirements of a vegan RT4 person would need.
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because I like totally agree with all this