Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).
I am a young, ambitious woman that was a vegetarian for several years during high school and middle school. About 2 years ago, I transitioned to veganism due to my firm beliefs about this truly amazing lifestyle. I believe that I help contribute to the world (animals and environment) and myself through this lifestyle, and I can imagine no other way of living.
I love learning about various vegan lifestyles, and I came across the Hclf vegan lifestyle a few months ago. I was so excited (and still am), however I have run into a few road blocks in perfecting my diet.
I would love to get to know like-minded people of any age!
What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.
Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:
I'm raw till 4, I really want to be HCRV and just need some guidance, I'm exploring various possibilities
Are you Connected?
no single
My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...
Books: I loved The China Study, 80/10/10, Ishmael, The Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, ... There are so many more! (Carl Sagan, Einstein, etc.)
Movies and Series: Lotr, The Life of Pi, Star Trek, Babylon 5
Pastimes: Philosophy!!! I like learning about our Spiritual Self, by reading books, following blogs, and just building myself up on many different points of view. I LOVE nature and traveling, hiking and seeking adventures. They are the passion of my fruit...(cheesy?) I want to travel everywhere as soon as possible. I have this unbearable wanderlust and itch to see the world. I love hiking, walking, biking, qigong, etc,
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
How can you find other awesome vegans?!?! (in person) Why is it so hard????? -sigh-
Tips to deal with the ignorance of some people. :)
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because we are The Borg and resistance is fruitile
Hey :) Habe gesehen, dass du noch jemandem zum Reisen suchst. Ich bin aus Deutschland + möchte auch viel mehr von Europa sehen. Freu mich auf eine Antwort <3
Hey Girl! Thanks for the friend request! Just wanted to let you know I'm here for ya so feel free to contact me for support, questions, or just to chat! P.S. Great on you for sticking out this lifestyle despite the weight gain! Ive been on this lifestyle for over 3 years now and I've seen so many come and go because they got impatient for quick weight loss and couldn't deal with the initial healing phase. I even had a few slips ups, especially during year 2, but ultimately sticking to a high carb, low fat, plant-strong, low sodium, unlimited calorie diet with sufficient sleep, water, and exercise everyone will get the weight loss and health results in due time. It takes a very strong person to stick it out, and in the meantime you're re-creating your health and self from a cellular level. Believe me, it all pays off! The results of this lifestyle are incredible, and for just a small investment (time wise) in beginning for healing and nutritional re-balancing, we get to experience optimal health and an effortlessly lean, fit body for life!
Woo ya who couldn't love that guy? xD Thats cool that you want to travel and stuff, thats kind of my plan cause screeeeeew having a career. I only wish there were some more warm socialist countries to visit haha.