


Santa Monica, CA


February 25



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Love health, fitness, nature, fruits and vegetables

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80/10/10 by Doug Graham and China Study by Colin Campbell. Pioneers!

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  • Hey Brian,

    I'm trying to coordinate some fruit lucks in LA. I'd love it if you could join and help me promote it a bit to anyone locals who are on the fruit train =) =) =)


    Check it out.

  • I most certainly am. Haven't played with this site since way back when. But it's come a long way I see...
  • Now, I can check you here, too! ;)
  • Bro, I want to move out west!
  • B-Ri! What the avocado, man? You talk about the weather sucking in Northern Cali... have a BLAST in MAINE! Hahaha, I'm just teasing. I know FOR SURE that my flight from Brisbane to LA lands at 7am the morning of April 15th. I would only stay for a few days and then maybe go visit my uncle in Tucson. I was going to try & come out to SoCAL earlier, but those are the dates I still haven't been able to finalize. Holler at cha girl!
  • Yo tasty cake! warning.png
  • Briiiii, latest news about the only topic less important that president obama's inauguration, is that i *am* going to australia by way of southern cali. i don't know if i'll be able to see you outbound, but April 15 - 19 Nads and I will be camped out and eager to see you. We have a few days between arriving back in the states and flying out to Beantown to watch our mates run that really long race that really super famous there. so, holler. <3
  • Hahahaha.
    I think I need a technology fast.
    Don't make me start now, Bee.
    Also you love your nickname.
  • Waiting for my invite, Bee Dub :)

    No but seriously... I don't know... soon?
    Have been thinking about a trip to NoCal soon.
    I DO have definite plans to come to SoCal July 3-7.

    Throw me a firework show?
  • flippin sweet :)
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