Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).
I am a Fruitarian, and I blog all about it at my site: http://www.TheFruitarian.com.
I'm also very proud of the incredible hard work I put into my athletic endeavors, mainly my running. I'm a Fruitarian and 2:28 marathoner! I measure my wealth by the level of my health! I'm 34 years old, started out with vegetarianism at 16, then moved to vegan about age 25, then off again, on again high fat raw here and there.. then at 31 went low fat raw, and now 3 years later, I call my diet Fruitarianism!
It's Expensive living in NYC and eating this way, but I love the action of big city living and eating a diet that was created in the jungles of evolution! Food is simple and delicious, just as it was meant to be! Moving forward I want to focus more on mono eating, when I combine foods too much I feel the difference in digestion, mono eating is something I'm trying to move towards more. I still have a lot to learn, that's why I'm here on 30Bad - checking out other people's experiences and trying to learn from them. Another major dream I have is to move somewhere tropical (1st choice is the Big Island of Hawaii or some place exotic and untouched, like the jungles of Sri Lanka).
I don't like buying my organic produce from every part of the world in boxes. There is so much waste and destruction when I get my grapes from Chile, my tomatoes from Mexico, my red peppers from Israel, my lechee's from Thailand, and my oranges from California...all in the same trip to the market! This is not earth friendly in the slightest! I'm seriously considering to move to a pure natural place where food is plentiful and local! :) Freshly picked food from your back yard tastes 10x's better than organic that's been on a plane or a train for a week!
What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.
Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:
I am a Fruitarian!
My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...
Wall Street Journal reader, yes I am a fruitarian and capitalist...what a combo! I'm a very conservative independent! Dr. Douglas Graham is the man, 80/10/10 is the best book on diet and food I have ever read!
Any books on running, ultra running, and adventure endurance/survival/wilderness.
http://www.hawaiifruit.net (AWESOME WEBSITE!)
Please list your website/blog/facebook/myspace etc
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
Lookin for other cool people that are hard core health and fitness!
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
MIchael you are truly wonderful to follow and inspirational in so many ways. Thanks for all you do!
Thank you for accepting my friend request, I feel truly honored. Have the best day ever!
- Your friend Melissa.
Hey, Michael. Thanks for friending! Have a great day ;-D
Hey Michael, thanks for the inspiration. if i lived in NYC and if things worked out, we'd be running partners for sure. Some people tell me i'm crazy running 100+ miles a week on a regular basis, sometimes up to 150 mpw. I've only been running for 4 1/2 years but after 3 years, when i first ran 100+ miles a week for 16 weeks in winter, and again in the summer, that i broke 2:45 in the marathon. I haven't raced well in the marathon since due to heat and training but still set PR's in the 5k, 4 mile, 5 mile and 10k and won a 50k last fall. I hope to someday be where you're at in running and diet. i find it's easy to run when it's enjoyable. and on my wednesday night group runs, i bring fruit to the bar with me and some of the runners dig in lol. this is just making me hungry for fruit and wanting to go for a nice, long run lol. peace.
Thanks Michael! :) I really LOVE mountains, I look forwards to Sri Lanka!
I thought you might be interested to hear we are getting Fresh Durian in around 2 weeks and this year we may start getting Malaysian variety Durian Musang King
Hi. First of all thanks for all the inspiring videos and congratulations on creating Woodstock Fruit Festival.
I was curious whether you'd thought about inviting Steve Pavlina to Woodstock. As far as I know he's still Raw and as he has one of the biggest personal development sites I thought it might be a good way of spreading the word. Just a thought.
No problem! The fresh durian will take some time before i know when it will be available.
Great, thanks! All the best! And before I forget: you really are a super inspiration!
Hi Michael,
I have recently set up a website in dutch and english to promote the hcrv lifestyle. I have used some before and after pics of you and embedded a video of you. I hope you are ok with this. Please let me know if you are not. The websites are defruiteters.nl and thefruiteaters.com.
All the best,
Jelke/Dutchie (we briefly met at Woodstock)