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     and jessie girl! the fruits are already soooo satisfying (been here 3 days!) i haven't even seen the main fruit market yet. Prices aren't too bad it seems. An the weather is gorgeous, although the build up to the rains is about to happen which everyone says is the hardest time. I can't wait to feel it though. 

    I will be out of range for a while as I am going to an aboriginal community for at least a month to do some permaculture, but I look forward to talking to you asap :) love you lots. 


  • hello jessica, what would you like to know :) ?

  • Hey! How are you??

  • jessie I MISS YOU!

    i just read some of your posts and got a little bit of a catch up from them. But it is nothing compared to a skype. ha ha, we are so bad at this!

    i think about you a lot and send prayers and thoughts of love. we will talk soon i know it. we have so much going on in our worlds it is amazing. Love you so much. You are beautiful. MWAH

  • Hey Jessica, thanks again for your very quick, thoughtful and sensible advice. You're so helpful! I'm so glad to hear that your brother shares this diet with you, it must feel very special to share this diet with a loved one.

    Tbh, when I first heard that I will get more sensitive the more I go LFRV, I was a bit disappointed. But after second thoughts, I realize that this is a chance for my personal growth. I'm a person that likes to agree, conform with what people around me do and feel very embarrassed if I stand out in any odd way and this has brought me a lot of anxiety in the past. Eating LFRV I guess in a way will force me to cast away those unnecessary fears of how people judge me. I've read about people saying how liberating it feels to really live life without caring how people look at you. I long to have that freedom!!!!


    For Matt Monarch's book you mentioned, any specific title? Does the 811 book by Dr. Graham mention about going back to cooked food? I still haven't gotten to reading this book yet...been too busy with my useless business degree. I'll def read it during the summer.

  • Hey Jessica, sorry about the late reply. Thanks for recommending Nick to me, I'll definitely be contacting him soon. It's a strange thing, but the more I research about this diet and health, the more I feel uncomfortable living in a city where most people's life goals are to accumulate as many material possessions as possible. It is just so wrong to me. Anyways, I'm interested in how you got to be interested in diets? I really admire people that seek to live healthy even when they're not confronting some debilitating illness. My Uncle's one of these ppl tho haha, during family gatherings, we can never stop talking! Lol. 

    Oh, and it is really tough to sort of explain this diet to close friends let alone acquaintances at parties and stuff? I'm fortunate to have a family that supports me in my various diet experiments though and I'm really grateful. How do you deal with this? I'm thinking when I heal myself longer with LFRV, I can just go to parties occasionally and eat cooked vegan food or whatever is healthiest so I don't need to make a big fuss out of this.
  • Hey thanks for the reply. Yes, unfortunately I'm pretty much alone in doing all this haha. I haven't actually looked for members here that are in HK but I'm pretty sure most members here are from the states. I am on my 6th day of 100% LFRV and although I've suffered from a few detox symptoms - certain rashes appeared under my nose, the dry patches on my arms and under my knees are nearly gone! So far, I'm not touching any fats at all and plan to add some nuts back in after around a month.

    I'm just wondering whether I'll be able to go on vacation for 1-2 weeks after cleansing a while (1 year) on this diet and not have eczema symptoms come back so quickly? I guess this depends how strong my body can get.

    What's amazing is though is I've overcame peanut, and chocolate allergy through my raw journey, I used to be so allergic to chocolate that my tongue would itch horribly if even a bit of chocolate was eaten. 


    Haha, same as you, I want to find my soulmate as well, unfortunately, with this lifestyle of LFRV, it's going to be pretty hard lol.

  • hey, thanks for the request, I'm quite new here. Just on my 4th day of banana island, was previously a high fat raw vegan and cured 80% of my severe allergies and eczema, but then found DurianRider youtube videos and got into the more LFRV thing....Anyways, did you have any health challenge that you overcame with LFRV?
  • hi Jessica, thanks for your friend request. cool music!
  • Hiiii .... on the seed front ....  I collected 1200 seeds for this Indo trip .... I decided I would grow them at my friends land in Bukit Lawang .... its near where the orangutan station is .... sorta like Mossman Gorge .... and I get there ... and he offers me "come and live on my land we will build you a place here .... stay here for free until you die ....." ha ha ..... anyway checked in there last week .... most of the seeds are up in pots and doing well ..... will go back there tomorrow to oversee the planting out phase ..... gonna be some new fruit vatieites for Indo happening there ..... really cool ..... anyway .... check my photo album ..... been posting a good selection from this trip ...... back to OZ March 2 ....
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