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  • hey, nice cherimoya :)

  • No such thing as too many piercings!  I've been wanting my septum, too for a while now.. And a triple navel, and my reverse tragus.. You know how it goes I'm sure, haha.

    So lucky that you live in Florida!  Are you living in a fruit house?  I'm up in Philly living with a bunch of my friends which is cool, but me and one of the girls have our hearts set on eventually either moving to Florida or leaving the country ;]

  • Yoo thanks for the friendship!  I love your nose rings, I've got two on the same side, myself =]  How's it goin?

  • Hey! Are you still interested in moving to st. pete?! :) we now need one more roommate and I thought of you! Let me know ASAP 

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