Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).
Well, first off i would like to learn more of the frugivore diet. As i believe humans are supposed to be on a frugivore diet, if we look back to before they even started hunting animals, i think we ate fruits. We where not killing for food until the human brain decided to go nuts when human settled in at unsuitable places. Where they did not have acces, knowledge or opportunity to know how to grow food. I think the human observed a predator and just copied to, at the time, survive. And we all know the human brain, always makes the easiest choice. Which also brings me here to this site.
I have for a very very long time struggled with food and still do. It startes with picking, to thinking foods where gross, which led to not eating other than two dairy yoghurts a day. Then after about two years i began binging and purging. Where i ate alot of shitfood, candy and chips for either throwing up or restrict and overexercise. After another few years of that i stopped most exercising due to hip/low back pain, i continued bingeing and purging, but less and less purging- because i worked on why i did that. Yet i still do it sometimes because i like it. As in i feel like an alcoholic, when i am overwhelmed i do it to make myself tired and when i wake up i feel better. Even if i just do this sometimes now i still do the bingeing. I have found out that i really do not enjoy food. I dont like the consistency, most flavors, i dont like making it. The thing is i often try to make good raw vegan meals, but ends up not liking it, even if i have eaten it before and liked it. Im the type of person that eats the same thing for a month and then gets sick of it and never eats it again, making the alternatives quite small for the time being. So after making great food (i can cook good food), eating a spoon or two i raids the chips, cookies, candy and iam litteraly living on refined sugar and processed harmfull foods. My body has asked me for a long time to stop and if my body is going to carry me through this journey called life i need to do something. There was a time when i could eat a sandwich and then wait until my body said it was more hungry, with the diet i usually ate once a day (and kept that one meal down) normal meal (no meat/eggs/fish) but the bingeing has taken over. Zero self controll.
After concidering my beliefs on human diets, my experiences and listening to my body i know that eating the frugivore diet will be the best thing for me. I have started, tried and failed many times. So inwas so happy when the yt vid showed this site. I think a community will help me getting over the doorstep. As i have said, i have tried and failed. What happens is that i starts my day eating lots of berries, fruit and i have also eaten salads. And then i continue the day by snacking fruits, nuts all day. But when the evening comes i go nuts and dont know what to eat. I am full, yet i «have» to eat something. And the solution is fast carbohydrates or refined sugar.
So i need to know what to do when that kick hits in. That uncontrollable crave for something.
If you or anyone reads this and thinks i should seek help i have. Many times and some times i got techniques that helped, example the throwing up part. I have gotten help to find out where everything started, why and i have been through it all. A year back i was told they dont know anything else they can help me with, because i dont want to eat as they recomment, animal products. This last thing is something i need to do by myself and with likeminded people, And i want to learn so that my body can be treated as decerved, as the temple it actually is.
I do not take any substitudes either, only b12 sometimes. My body is strong and my blood leves are actually ok, concidering what i have done to it. But i would like to heighten them, make sure my immune system is at its best, my insides are getting healthy. For not talk about the animals, which is also a big big biiiiig part of this.
What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.
Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:
I want to eat like a frugivore but need assistance
My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...
I love suzanne collins hungergames books, all four. And tony diterlizzi spiderwick books. And the maze runner books which i dont remember authors name. I love dragons, forest celtics and fantasy. The series outlander (decpite the recvicitas) and supernatural is also faves of mine.
I also love selfdeveloping and pshycology books as woman running with the wolves. And im a kinda witchy person (without labelling myself) and like to read on topics as witchery, folklore, tarotdevelopment, animals, spiritanimals, and stuff my soul gets drawn to.
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
Love it!
I need nutrition assistance. And i need support from other likeminds.
I need to know what to do at evenings when my selfcontrol looses to the urges of the socially accepted drugs.
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because I like totally agree with all this
How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you,but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( mr.jamespollard01@gmail.com ) for the full details.Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.