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Looking to improve my health and the health of the planet on this lifestyle.
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I'm HCRV already
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Forks Over Knives, Vegucated, Earthlings, The Cove, Black Fish
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The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
Encouragement and tips to stay on this lifestyle.
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because I like totally agree with all this
Hi Nicole!
I am currently visiting family in Guelph and looking ot meet up with other fruities. let me know if you want to get together! Lj
Hey! I know you're at the WFF but there is a fruit luck at my house on september first @ 2pm, I would love if you came! let me know :) 226-218-5522
Same! This weather is amazing.
No problem! Someone deserves to know the secret ;)
I was in east glengarry tower, it was definitely awesome. I miss my roommates already!
I am so jealous!! That is going to be SO fun!! I have been working at toyota for 5 days now, and I work tomorrow and saturday too. I am so tired! But I get good money though :)
He looks so big to me already! Its so crazy how fast he is growing. How is the puppy? Send me a picture sometime!
The pears were delicious! I only have about 23 left! I did a tiny banana island over exams. Its awesome getting them for 23 bucks eh??
I think my exams went well! (hopefully) How did yours go? Do you know when we get our marks back? I AM SO HAPPY TOO! It feels so weird that the school year is over though.. No more residence! It felt so weird to move out...
I know! It was snowing in Waterloo today when I was at my boyfriend's place! It was crazy..
I wish I was!! The week vacation that I am allowed by my employer at Toyota isn't the same week :( Are you going? ALSO did you get a job yet?? (I hope so :) )
Anywho, enjoy your night! Talk to you soon :)
He is 7 weeks I think, lol they didn't really tell me actually!
LOL very smart of you! I have been so active on facebook lately posting lots of pictures of Leo! He is getting quite the buzz. Not to mention all the visitors I have got to my room lately!
Awe, little dogs are so cute! I am so excited for my roommate to get her dog.
Ya they are so cheap eh? I was on banana Island last few days as I bought a couple boxes so I could save some money. But tomorrow I pick up the dates from Market Fresh (I am sure they would sell them to you for that price too if you called) and a box of 100 pears from my food box! I am SO excited. They have the BEST pears.
Thats a little stressful, I am sure that you will find one soon though :)
When is your last exam? You must be super pumped! Mine have been going well, at least I think they have. I feel pretty good about the ones that I have done, but I still have chemistry and couples and family relations to go. It has definitely been hard trying to study with the new kitty as it is SO DANG cute that I can't even handle it sometimes. I am workin on it though ;)
How much did you enjoy the weather today eh?? It was beautiful! (Hard to enjoy since you were probably studying, like me, darn exams.) Good weather is on its way! WOO! Soon enough it will be watermelon time!
His name is Leo! He is the CUTEST thing ever.. Haha he is a Facebook star. Feel free to add me on Facebook, my profile picture is of me and Leo! How is your dog doing?? Has he calmed down yet?? I bet he is already so big! He will be cute forever though :P
Haha ya they just don't ask the produce guys they don't know! Its funny cause I bought a bunch over the last week and they were like did you just buy one the other day? Haha I bet it was you they were talking about!!
While on the topic of deals, I got an 11lb box of dates for 79 bucks!! I have been buying them for 10/lb so this was super exciting! Now I can enjoy raspberry daterade all the time!! Haha YUM.
I haven't heard yet! But they called my references and the people they called said that it went well :) So I'm super pumped! Have you found a job yet?
How are exams going? I wrote one today so I only have two left! WOO! Summer is very very quickly approaching eh?
Anywho, hope all is well :)
Carley Wilson
Two on one day?? Thats so rough! GOOD LUCK!
I have been looking up cat pictures like ever since my parents told me that they would get it for me!!
and YA! 23 bucks!! I can give you the plu code if you want? Thats what I give them everytime I go. Just tell them at the cash and they'll give it to you :) its 6794
I hope I get the job too! They are supposed to call soon :)
there is a juice bar downtown that s hiring I think, maybe try the cornerstone? or market fresh? They're hiring right now :)
Ps. I tried raspberry daterade yesterday. One word. AMAZING. It is my new favourite thing. Like actually! SO GOOD! Just thought I would let you know, as I know you drink them too! :)
Hope you're having a good day, stay away from the cold that is going around!! :)
AHH exams! haha I have my first on wednesday :S
That is sooooo exciting! My roommate is getting a guide puppy right after exams are over! and I am getting a cat! My parents told me that they would buy me one once I was settled in my house! I am so excited.
and NO WAY. SO CHEAP! I also saw TONS of 50% off bananas i think monday at zehrs on erambrosia, they seem to have lots of 50% off ones every now and again, you just have to keep calling! BUT at heartsland zehrs they have been selling me a box of organic bananas for $23!! ... I was SO excited needless to say...
I will have to keep checking in at the farmers market, apparently they have local apples now??
I live about 45 minutes away in New Hamburg and me and my roommates are living on Edinburgh just north of waterloo in may. I am currently waiting to hear back from Toyota for a job, so we will see how that goes! I think the interview process went well so fingers crossed!
Have you applied all around Guelph already? The job scene is super tough lately I hear!!
Hey, Haven't heard from you in a while, hope everything is okay and that all your midterms/projects are going smoothly :)
Still sending positive energy for your family situation,
Hope to hear from you soon, enjoy the sunlight :)!
Carley Wilson
Ps. Head over to embrosia zehrs asap! they said they had A LOT of 50% off bananas right now!!