Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).
I have been on a journey health/fitness/nutrition wise for the last 6 odd years. A little more than 2 years ago I called myself a "Carnivore" and here I quote myself from back then: "A meal isn't a meal if it hasn't got at least MY fistsize of meat in it!" (and I have relatively big hands).
Only a couple of months after saying this, a mentor of mine challenged me at a business seminar that I attended: "If you really are interested in and care about health, fitness and loosing weight, then I will give you some dvds to watch."
And so he did!
I watched dvds such as Food Inc, found Fat sick and nearly dead on Netflix and then read "The PH Miracle" by Dr Robert Young.
This and many many hours spent researching reeducated me and I had a shift in values, so I decided to do a juice fast (16 days), after which I remained fully vegan, mostly raw (2-3 cooked meals per week).
Even though I had lost a lot of weight during the juice fast and for a little thereafter, I started to slowly gain weight again whilst eating mostly raw vegan food.
After nutrition sort of went on a backburner for a little while in terms of research and education, I recently came across freelee's youtube channel and at first was very sceptical as from what I had previously researched fruit was supposed to be acidic, so the "enemy".
After indulging the idea and spending some time figuring out the explanation for why HCRV should/could work I decided to give it a go.
The results I have had so far energy wise are just phenomenal, so I will keep going with it, hoping that the weightloss will slowly take place.
I must say, for it being in my view only a small to medium shift in thinking from RV with lots of nuts & seeds (which aren't raw anyways) and oils to HCRV I am finding the physical difference that I am experiencing quite something!
What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.
male, man
Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:
I'm high carb raw vegan
The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?
I want to meet other fruity people, learn more about HCRV lifestyle and where ever I can offer my assistance so I may be of help to others too.
The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
I will comply because I like totally agree with all this
Hey Phil! Thanks for adding me! Nice to meet you. :)
Hey Phil! Hope your doing well! Love to chat, I recently moved out of London but often travel back for work :)