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  • Thanks for the friend request! :)
  • Who told you to do that?! I've actually registered for the half on August the 1st, not quite the marathon but clooose, soon I will be doing the whole distance :)
  • thanks it was so worth it!
  • ahhh yes would love to be disconnected for a while, bet it was great :-)

    Yes looking forward to July Gold Coast Half marathon, getting coached online by Pat Carroll, 2:09 marathon PB so should know his stuff!

    Great to have you back
  • Hey buddy!! Where you bin?
  • Thank you for your kind response.

    I'm inspired by many folks on this network and have enjoyed learning about others -- your profile is kind of elusive. How old are you, may i ask? What do you do? You've been on a fruitarian diet for 5 years? Wonderful. I began my 811rv exploration back in sept. - I continue to learn so much...

    My life, too, had recently been very spiritually focused, so to speak. Though i seem to have shifted my attention to physical aspects of health - which isn't necessarily unrelated to 'spiritual health' -but in my case, right now, my interst in diet and fitness seems to predominate, neglecting other important areas of my life. Though i feel a call to return and re-integrate -- if any of that makes sense...

    And, Peace and happiness to you :)
  • RW,
    In a recent thread i asked about muscle glycogen. You responded by saying that there is only so much glycogen a person can store, but that we can learn to store more. I wanted to ask about this -- how does the body learn to store more glycogen? Is it simply with training more and than properly refueling with the right foods?...

    Whatd ya doing out in australia? How long have you been a 'student of health'?..

  • Heya!
    Yup I'm loving the sun :)
    I'm sorry to hear about your probs with 811. Perhaps you still weren't eating enough fruit? I find in order to do the amount I do I eat pretty large amounts, and for the first fair while I ate even more! I think until I did the banana feast I was eating and eating but really not absorbing much at all from my food. Since doing the banana week I have long strong nails, shinier hair, stacks of energy and quick recovery time. My skin which was problematic before is now really starting to smooth and glow!
    These days I tend to eat for brekkie a couple of melons, depending on size I might eat between 1-3. Then lunch I eat maybe 2kg of grapes or some peaches or dragonfruit. Dinner is usually a banana smoothie with a head of coz lettuce and if I'm still hungry for savoury a few days a week I might make a big grated zucchini n tomato 811 pasta type dish or some fresh corn or something.
    I'd love to start running the distances you are doing. So impressive. I'm working my way up though, both swimming, running, riding and walking for longer each day :)
    Let me know how you're doing xx
  • Im so glad the rain finally stopped and sunshine won out! I was hating that cold~

    Ohh bananas and greens are more expensive and harder to find- I order mine in bulk organic so its a little more value but yeah POO AT THE FLOODS AND FIRES!

    How are you going?

    Im so happy post-banana island. I am healthy and things just keep getting better!

    How are you doing?
  • Groovy stuff, Im sure you know whats best for your own health! I have to say, the narnas arent tasting so good this week to me either lol but Im trying to keep simple with food as I heal more, so that means the bulk of my food is narnas.
    Ahh melons! And grapes! Best prices right now :) yummmmm
    I have some grapes on the vine in my yard that I've been teasing myself with. I'll have to dig into some soon.
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