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  • Hi thanks for the info. Of course, rainy season! I might not go in that case. Does it rain all day? Or is there enough sun most of the time? Is it worth coming over because I was coming for the beach? Thanks :)
  • Hey dude,

    Moving to ChCh this weekend and need lots of good fruit ASAP. Was hoping maybe you could tell me where you get yours???

  • Hi Stephen! Im heading to Margarets with my bf tomorrow. ANy hot fruit tips?

    Meet you soon:)

    Love Ava

  • hey, yes yoga! i was doing classes in mandurah but will probably start with meditation class next week. im going to maragarets in a few weeks, any hot tips down there? meet you soon!

  • Hey Stephen! Your in mandurah?

  • Howdy there! Here is a link to the fruity party thread :)

    Perth Fruit Party Sunday 20th May

  • Heya, yes my skype name is just danemccoll. My Aus no. is 0422379168. How are things going over in Perth? I'm just hanging out in Cairns at the moment, haven't managed to to find any work yet..

  • Hi there!!

  • Thank you for the welcome!! I love it here- you look like you are living the life!!!
  • Hello! Thanks for the welcome!

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