A Cancer Epidemiologist refutes Denise Mingers China Study Claims due to incorrect data analysis
failed to take into account other disease-causing variables (increased
Hepatitis B and schist
Book Review by Freelee of “The Raw Food Lifestyle” by Andrew Perlot.
I'm sure a lot of you rawfoodies out there have been asked this one before!
Myself & DR regularly housesit and it's a great way to see the world and save money, this is the company we go with, they have been great so far...
I stayed in one beautiful place for 2months, in the tropics, near the beach, free internet,
Thank DR for this... How do i know im not eating enough calories from fruit? 1. Cooked food starts to look and smell good. 2. Cooked food looks more then the toxic, second rate slop it really is. 3. Your energy, power, strength start to go downhill
Read more…This is an Ad from Amos Dick.... If you don't get the best job in the world there is now the Second Best Job in the World. It's a Caretaker position on our holiday let fruit orchid in the Rainforest of North Queensland. Job descripion: Feeding fi
Read more…Howdy, There seems to be a large number of peeps 'signing up' for the raw challenge starting April 1st, I was hoping i could assist in someway ( & anyone else who is keen) by being available for Q & A session in the CHAT ROOM on Tuesday Mornings eve
Read more…Freelea's Life Design... This is a quick list..... *To have housesits for everyday for the rest of my life! All in tropical or subtropical regions and with superfast internet! *To always have an adundant supply of fresh fruit and be able to manifes
Read more…Oh dear just flicked on the plasma bulls#*t box at my current house sit...just in time to hear the 'animal doctor' explaining why this ladies parrot was plucking its own feathers out.... Went something like this.... "Your parrot is frustrated and l
Read more…Hey everyone, Having been a personal trainer for years and a rawfood coach I regularly have people compliment me on my health & fitness then ask me how to lose fat, get fitter, more flexible etc, so please feel free to post your questions here & I wi
Read more…How cool would this be? Creating a network here that connects people & especially rawries to housesits all over the world and in your neighbourhood....imagine how much money you would say on rent?! This is how Durianrider and I live and we save heaps
Read more…Thankyou so much for all these great offerings!! THis is a list of potential programs/teachers from Overseas and Australia. 18th Jan -I was also just in contact with my friend Clint - the property owner and he agrees that it should be by donation !
Read more…Hi all.... There is scheduled maintenance of 30BD next Friday evening from 11pm-1:30am PST. During this time, the site will be offline..... Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. Lovefree
Read more…......as Malaysia has the best durian & less polluted than Thailand. SO who's up for it?! How great of a warm-up would it be for the raw retreat to all meet up and hang out munching Durian in the tropics of Asia first?! Its looking like July 1st...
Read more…I am just about to go out for a jog, my aim is to jog 12kms at a time and 40kms a week.
Read more…Please feel free to ask any questions about the lifestyle, there are plenty of 811ers here to help you out!
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