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  • Hello, that is alright i have not been logging on either :p. 

    sending you good vibes a fruity love :D 

  • Yes! Thanks for the Fruity Hugs!!

  • bom dia Daniel! I'm up and will be outside the hostel for 10am. See you soon.

  • Bonjour,

    Merci pour ton message.

    Le tatouage de Pi c'est juste parce que j'aime les mathématiques. Je ne suis pas en particulier attachée au nombre Pi.


  • Hey, so cool you speak and promote more use of different language, Words Are How We Express, the more we know about all the different languages and there origin the better chance we have of accurately communicating...seems like most the trouble in the World Stems from simple misUnderstandings. Im currently working on a plan to somehow learn a new language, ah where to start..?

  • Au plaisir bien sûr de faire ta connaissance et de partager avec toi l'énergie de la Vie !

  • Hi FruitsandNumbers! So you speak French - bonjour, et enchantée de faire ta connaissance! Tu as appris le français au Brésil?

  • I should have written that in English so anyone can participate! Sorry! I'll translate:

    Hi! How are you? My name is Anna, I'm from Rio too and if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to know about your experiences with HCRV lifestyle, how did you joined, issues you had, where do you buy your fruit (supermarker or wholesaler), how did you do with college etc. Thanks!

  • Oi! Tudo bem? Meu nome é Anna, eu sou do Rio tb e se não tiver problema, eu gostaria de saber sobre suas experiências, como vc adotou esse estilo de vida, os problemas, onde vc compra frutas (mercado mesmo ou atacado), conciliar com a faculdade etc. Desde já agradeço! :)

  • Well I am relatively young (15), so don't feel ashamed for thinking I look like a child, haha. 

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