hi everyone...
so like freelee, every time she finishes a meal she gets a massive food baby, but in her video her stomach returns to the perfectly flat and toned state by the time she eats the next meal.
but ive noticed that the ONLY time that my stomach might look A BIT flatter is the moment i wake up, and after i down my breakfast the food baby comes out and does not goes away, not even until my next meal. so what happens is that the food baby enlarges everytime i eat something and by night time i look like im 6 months pregnant.
this is sooooo frustrating for me bc i look disgusting and i couldnt wear any clothings that may be SLIGHTly more tight.
does anyone have any ideas on how to improve this? or why does this happen?
i usually either have a banana smoothie or cocoa oatmeal for breakfast
apples/grapefruit for lunch
some more fruits for snack
and then a cooked meal in the evening
thanks in advance!
your body is getting used to the volume/hydration/fiber
took me like 6 months to get a flat stomach between meals.
Cheers! Dont give up - this is a LIFESTYLE not a quickfix.