Dan McDonald's 30 Bananas 150 Mile Bike Ride
I found Dan before finding Harley on youtube and thus still watch his videos. Here is his shout-out to 30BAD.
I found Dan before finding Harley on youtube and thus still watch his videos. Here is his shout-out to 30BAD.
its Sunday morning - i'm on 811 Since the 31st of March i've lost 4kgs in just over a week
i wanna ride my bike in the morning for about an hour // empty stomach or eat before i head out - i've had 1L water to start the day with so the question is
Read more…Hey guys!
A couple days ago I joined dailymile.com. It's a website where runners, cyclists, swimmers, triathletes, walkers, and athletes in general can log there mileage and share routes. I would love to add anybody from 30BaD who is on dailymile to
Read more…Dear Durian Rider,
I know you are a very passionate bicyclist, and I was wondering if you could help me with this question...
Conventional health experts always warn for repetitive exercises and the need to "mix it up", because the body could get used
Read more…Going to tackle my first back-to-back century rides (or any century ride) as a LFRV. My last two I was raw... but I ate a ton of fat.
Without caffeine since going 811, my motivation has been down a little bit. I haven't been doing long rides and my en
Going into my 7th week I think now. Would be my 9th, but I had a planned fail for the 4th, July.
Ok, so I took DRs and a few others on heres advice and just took a chill pill on my training last week. I slept as much as work allowed (a little too much), and kept my calories in a fair range (4.5 - 5.5k).
Interesting article--our "emission" depends on what we're powered by... Anyone want to take a guess what's number one on their list for most efficient energy source?
I have only been 100% 811RV now for the 4th week, and I have just hit my first real challenge. This is going to be a good one.Along the short way there has been the usual temptations, but they have been trivial to address. Really no problems or compl
Read more…So, this morning when I went out it was 43ºF (6ºC) outside, damp and gloomy. Not exactly good riding weather. What do you guys and gals wear when riding in cold and/or freezing weather?I looked for wet suits earlier today but they are pricey. Someone
Read more…Hey all,Last night Paula (Analogies on 30BaD) and I rode our bikes to the government center in Miami to ride with a group of about 200 cyclists for "Critical Mass", a mass bike ride to raise awareness that cars need to share the road with cyclists. P
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