Im really trying not to focus on all this negative stuff but.......
..I was just thinking of all the "empowering" practices we are encouraged to take part in.....if we look a little deeper into these topics/practices its obvious they are money motivated....someone is getting very rich off 'dumbing us down' & making us very sick.....
- Fundraising and the 'fight' against cancers etc...why aren't we addressing the cause?is it because the cause is simple and doesn't make $$?
- giving 'baby' nurofen to our kids....starting to poison & alter their minds early?
- the promotion of cooked junk food....keep anyone addicted to a substance & they will co-operate for their fix
- prescription meds....... addictive & designed to make us sicker until we need some radiation treatment
- fear mongering from no one except the banks, government & big 'reliable' corporations
- female guinea pigs on the contraceptive pill.......lets poison this generation, especially the birth-givers & we can really make some sales.
- vaccinations for children & travel that cause terrible health problems
- Baby bonus.......we need more people? Ofcourse yes to consume more! Ahhh more $$ yep forgot
- smoking.....cigarette lighters are commonly allowed on planes but not bottles of water?
- sunscreen that promotes cancer......highest skin cancer rates are recorded in the areas with the largest sunscreen promotion and workers are the least exposed to the sun but in the highest risk category?
- motor vehicles that lead to obesity & death.....good ol' labour-saving fancy devices that keep us getting fatter and consuming more....weightloss drugs, junk food, gym memberships,more drugs....
- money is the only way to be happy.....keep up with the Jones's
- University....get a 'good' education, make something of yourself....
- anti-depressants.... designed to make us more depressed & less empowered
- the large chunk of taxes that goes to the 'Defence Force' to fight 'evil' & the 'War on Terror'....
- the common school system for children, creating a uniformed army of the 'numbed' & obedient
- mind numbing 'distracting-from-the-truth' video games that encourage violence and aggression
- advertisments aimed at lowering our self-esteem so we consume products that make us 'happy'
- Unnecessary xrays & ultrasounds.....'cooking' the baby early
- radiation therapy for cancer patients....aimed at destroying cells so theres no chance of rejuvenation
- chlorine & other chems in our water systems....behaviour modification ?
- Chem trails?....another form of mass 'dumbing down'?
- Hush hush on the crop circles....(even tho there is like 200 new ones discovered every year around the world)....this may encourage people to start thinking less logically (how we are programmed & taught at school etc) & become more creative,potentially thinking for themselves & start resisting the 'money & power machine'
- Skin creams/shampoos/deodorants/face masks/makeup that damages our skin & absorb into our systems to make us sicker...then consume more....oh im sick i need some drugs....
What are your thoughts?...
......Im sure you could add more.....and why not? Lets hear them....what commonly encouraged practices have you noticed that are actually making us unhealthier as a collective & serving to distract us from the truth...
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Just to remind that being nonconformist is very subjective. A lot of people here in 30B is very conformist for me, but they can be the opposite in other people's opinion.
Get this Free the Aus Governement( re you and me and every other poor bugger that earns a living) is going to spend over 400$million on diabetes...far out....this made me so super angry....there is a 'cure' for all illness's and we are living it...diabetes included...shit heads!!!!
Oh my gosh ... where have you people been all my life?! :-)
I have the same thoughts as on this thread, and see the same issues. I don't know anyone in real life who actually shares these views.
My family thinks I've gone off the deep end because I don't use shampoo or conditioner. If I mentioned all the other things to them, they might consider institutionalizing me.
Women's healthcare is a big issue for me. Things are just so messed up there that I don't even know where to start. I'm consistently shocked that most women I meet have no clue about how their bodies work, and leave it all up to the expertise of their gynecologist. Putting teens on birth control to "regulate" their cycles is twisted. The 28 day cycle is a myth. Probably created by the birth control companies.
Giant corporate farms .... no bio-diversity, tons of pesticides, why does this seem OK with so many people?
I could go on ... I'm just really excited to have found this thread. I didn't know there were so many of us who noticed these things!
Thanks Freelee for raising questions. It's ironic though, because there is a lot of distortion and profiteering in the anti-establishment as well. Many of the conspiracy sellers are charlatans raking it in with the best of them. Where there's a will to believe, and that is as strong among the rebels as the conformists, there is a con artist pulling your strings... The only answer is to question... and in EVERY direction, not just away... Thanks for getting stated...
- giving 'baby' nurofen
My ex gave our son "baby tylenol" when he was a year old and he threw up. Same thing he did when given chicken baby food by a grandparent. Beyond those I prevented meds or meats ever entering his body to this day. Tylenol, or acetaminophen is the number one cause of liver failure in the country and they're pushing it to babies, no less. Sick...
- vaccinations
Son at 15 months had terrible reaction to combo vaccine. Stopped allowing further shots afterwards and always got the exemption, which has to be based on religion in Texas. Not religious, but it was worth pretending in order to protect child...
- sunscreen
Have seen a study showing one is more likely to get cancer from sunscreen than the sun...
- mind numbing 'distracting-from-the-truth' video games
Kept them and TV out of the house.
- advertisments aimed at lowering our self-esteem so we consume products that make us 'happy'
Glad you put "happy" in quotes. And you're right, it's all about advertising, the hyping of ordinary things into pseudo-extraordinary. I recognize that the economy floats almost entirely on that necessity. But still it's not very pleasant to encounter disappointment after disappointment as the advertised image of a thing turns out not to be the thing at all. This is a constant experience in the publicity world we live in...
I have to admit, I really enjoy going to university :-).
But I have the newly found purpose of using my degree to infiltrate the upper floors of the office buildings and starting to change the world from there... that's where people can't make the excuse that they can't "afford" to live a vegan diet. That's where people cannot argue they aren't smart enough to understand what's going on. And that's where the people with the influence are.
You are right on as usual Free,and i have liked and agreed with alot of opinions here,thanks guys,what a totally cool group we have got going on..
I am a lfrv hippie,living in a mainstream world,sometimes i am straddling the line of controversy, yet i am happy with my life path it's exciting and possibilities are endless...
It is up to us to educate others,that there is another way...We don't need to blindly follow others who suggest running down a path of death suffering and destruction,one way or another....I am passionate about people realising that they have a voice for a reason and two ears for another reason...a voice to speak our mind,and two ears,one to listen to our bodies the other to listen to others,but listening is one thing,another thing is being more discerning with what advice we heed!
Watzzupsport > RawfruitygoddessMarch 20, 2010 at 1:17am
Hey RawFruityGoddess,
Love it you say
" I am a lfrv hippie,living in a mainstream world "
you express the great canned dichotomy that prevails, in the need to blend in and influence by example, and the need to need to grow your hair out say f**k it to the man and scream from the rooftops
" I have had enough and I am not going to take it anymore"
Ah well........!!! doomed to be that strange dude who lives down the road who runs without shoes, does not cook his food, and eats too much fruit
"what's he doing in there"
Sorry the last comment was a bit obscure , a line from Tom Waits album ' Big In Japan'
hah haaa haa ,sometimes i do wanna scream from the roof tops and say fck it all and leave and live in the woods,then 5 mins later without fail i am re inspired by someone asking for health or fitness help,and then i am back!!!
i love it that you are the strange dude who lives down the road who runs without shoes and eats fruit i won't say too much cos i am weird too and don't cook my food nor my soul and i eat lots of fruit xx
I'm SUPER late to the game, but I wanted to add "Culture of Fear" to the list (unless it's already been added, and I just missed it...).
In my 2 homes (Israel and the US) the whole society is motivated through fear. In Israel, the fear is about terrorism, about being wiped off the face of the planet and destroyed as a nation/people. Therefore, everything in the country is made to be "temporary." Everything is Sh*tty quality and produced with no regard to the environment. The attitude is, "Well, we'll just figure out a fix for it next year." Yea, sure, like replenishing the ever-sinking Kinneret with bought water from Turkey...
In the States, everyone is afraid of disease. The statistics bombard us... 33% of people will get cancer in their lifetime... better get expensive medical tests, prophylactic surgeries, oral chemotherapies (like taxol), and donate to the Avon Breast Cancer Walk and buy yourself a cancer indulgence! H1N1! Clean your hands obsessively, use hand sanitizer, spray your home with toxic chemicals to kill germs! No wonder everyone has horrible allergies! But they don't treat the source of all this dis-ease, which is our horrible diet. Corn, milk, soy and beef - our 4 most heavily government subsidized crops - aren't even DIGESTIBLE by humans, and are linked to so many health problems... yet they're in EVERYTHING.
I have the same thoughts as on this thread, and see the same issues. I don't know anyone in real life who actually shares these views.
My family thinks I've gone off the deep end because I don't use shampoo or conditioner. If I mentioned all the other things to them, they might consider institutionalizing me.
Women's healthcare is a big issue for me. Things are just so messed up there that I don't even know where to start. I'm consistently shocked that most women I meet have no clue about how their bodies work, and leave it all up to the expertise of their gynecologist. Putting teens on birth control to "regulate" their cycles is twisted. The 28 day cycle is a myth. Probably created by the birth control companies.
Giant corporate farms .... no bio-diversity, tons of pesticides, why does this seem OK with so many people?
I could go on ... I'm just really excited to have found this thread. I didn't know there were so many of us who noticed these things!
- giving 'baby' nurofen
My ex gave our son "baby tylenol" when he was a year old and he threw up. Same thing he did when given chicken baby food by a grandparent. Beyond those I prevented meds or meats ever entering his body to this day. Tylenol, or acetaminophen is the number one cause of liver failure in the country and they're pushing it to babies, no less. Sick...
- vaccinations
Son at 15 months had terrible reaction to combo vaccine. Stopped allowing further shots afterwards and always got the exemption, which has to be based on religion in Texas. Not religious, but it was worth pretending in order to protect child...
- sunscreen
Have seen a study showing one is more likely to get cancer from sunscreen than the sun...
- mind numbing 'distracting-from-the-truth' video games
Kept them and TV out of the house.
- advertisments aimed at lowering our self-esteem so we consume products that make us 'happy'
Glad you put "happy" in quotes. And you're right, it's all about advertising, the hyping of ordinary things into pseudo-extraordinary. I recognize that the economy floats almost entirely on that necessity. But still it's not very pleasant to encounter disappointment after disappointment as the advertised image of a thing turns out not to be the thing at all. This is a constant experience in the publicity world we live in...
But I have the newly found purpose of using my degree to infiltrate the upper floors of the office buildings and starting to change the world from there... that's where people can't make the excuse that they can't "afford" to live a vegan diet. That's where people cannot argue they aren't smart enough to understand what's going on. And that's where the people with the influence are.
I am on a fruity "crusade" :-)
I am a lfrv hippie,living in a mainstream world,sometimes i am straddling the line of controversy, yet i am happy with my life path it's exciting and possibilities are endless...
It is up to us to educate others,that there is another way...We don't need to blindly follow others who suggest running down a path of death suffering and destruction,one way or another....I am passionate about people realising that they have a voice for a reason and two ears for another reason...a voice to speak our mind,and two ears,one to listen to our bodies the other to listen to others,but listening is one thing,another thing is being more discerning with what advice we heed!
Love it you say
" I am a lfrv hippie,living in a mainstream world "
you express the great canned dichotomy that prevails, in the need to blend in and influence by example, and the need to need to grow your hair out say f**k it to the man and scream from the rooftops
" I have had enough and I am not going to take it anymore"
Ah well........!!! doomed to be that strange dude who lives down the road who runs without shoes, does not cook his food, and eats too much fruit
"what's he doing in there"
Sorry the last comment was a bit obscure , a line from Tom Waits album ' Big In Japan'
i love it that you are the strange dude who lives down the road who runs without shoes and eats fruit i won't say too much cos i am weird too and don't cook my food nor my soul and i eat lots of fruit xx
In my 2 homes (Israel and the US) the whole society is motivated through fear. In Israel, the fear is about terrorism, about being wiped off the face of the planet and destroyed as a nation/people. Therefore, everything in the country is made to be "temporary." Everything is Sh*tty quality and produced with no regard to the environment. The attitude is, "Well, we'll just figure out a fix for it next year." Yea, sure, like replenishing the ever-sinking Kinneret with bought water from Turkey...
In the States, everyone is afraid of disease. The statistics bombard us... 33% of people will get cancer in their lifetime... better get expensive medical tests, prophylactic surgeries, oral chemotherapies (like taxol), and donate to the Avon Breast Cancer Walk and buy yourself a cancer indulgence! H1N1! Clean your hands obsessively, use hand sanitizer, spray your home with toxic chemicals to kill germs! No wonder everyone has horrible allergies! But they don't treat the source of all this dis-ease, which is our horrible diet. Corn, milk, soy and beef - our 4 most heavily government subsidized crops - aren't even DIGESTIBLE by humans, and are linked to so many health problems... yet they're in EVERYTHING.
No wonder everyone is sick, tired, and scared.