Seeking recruits to participate in discussion 'raids' on forums & blogs re: veganism & animal rights. We aim to raise consciousness on these issues and influence opinion thru superior # of troops & quality of posts....and have a bit of fun too ;D
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30bad internet guerilla outreach (30badigo)

Help fight apathy and ignorance towards ar and veg issues on the net: Join 30badigo today!

Definition: Guerrilla warfare is the unconventional warfare and combat with which small group combatants use mobile tactics (ambushes, raids, etc.) to combat a larger, less mobile formal army. The guerrilla army uses ambush (draw enemy forces to terrain unsuited to them) and mobility (advantage and surprise) in attacking vulnerable targets in enemy territory. (source Wikipedia)

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  • Hey, wanted to see some examples of effective arguing against real people. I've fought a bunch of battles, but I'm not sure if I'm convincing anyone. I feel like a bull in a china closet destroying weak arguments quickly. Yet, I'm not sure if I'm convincing anyone.

  • welcome future unlimited!

    thx for your contribution!

    in friendship,


  • Greetings Comrades. Here are a couple of propagation tools for pointing out who are the real Nazis:

    23638a20-90ee-44dc-9ff0-e5d090f92143_zpsced22aaa.jpg%7Eoriginal?width=500Original bigger version here.

  • welcome rebecca ann!

    in friendship,


  • ok i know what you are talking about now sw. :D is just another of the center for consumer freedom (or foolishness) sites. look at the bottom of the page and you'll see.

    you may know about ccf, but if you don't here's the scoop on them:

    i wouldn't worry too much about them. they've been trying to decimate peta and hsus for around a decade now, but hasn't figured out that all they manage to do is provide free publicity.

    if you want, start a thread on the main forum about all this and people can be referred to it and the stuff ccf do (though we have many posts about them on 30bad like this one).

    in friendship,


  • inform who and where? you haven't provided any links.

    here's some science on bacon you might find useful:

    Bacon and Botulism

    The nitrite preservatives in processed meats such as bologna, bacon, ham, and hot dogs form carcinogenic nitrosamines but also reduce the growth of botulism bacteria, forcing regulators to strike a balance between consumers risking cancer or a deadly form of food poisoning.

    Carcinogens in the Smell of Frying Bacon

    Frying bacon outdoors decreases the concentration of airborne nitrosamine carcinogens.

    Vitamin C-Enriched Bacon

    The addition of vitamin C to processed (cured) meats such as bacon may actually make them more carcinogenic.

    so even if people think they are being humane towards pigs which they are not (check, promoting bacon is certainly not humane towards humans.

    in friendship,


  • hi sw! i don't quite understand what it is you want. can you explain what you'd like people here to do?

    in friendship,


  • welcome mama orangutan!

    glad you've joined us!

    in friendship,


  • delighted to have you here daniel!

    in friendship,


  • newest recruit presenting himself for service! at your command, captain prad! i'm ready to fight for the life and freedom of my animal friends! their suffering must come to an end! lead us to victory, wise and noble leader! i await for your orders! 

    your most loyal friend and disciple,


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How to fight against 50 weak rebuttals?

A common strategy I've seen is for an opponent to cast doubt by making 50 weak rebuttals. Most of them are obviously logical fallacies, mostly red herrings, yet due to the sheer volume it is easy to get overwhelmed.Then, when I don't respond to one, my opponent and the peanut gallery are like you didn't respond to your opponent's points, so therefore you lose. I find it difficult to defend against this, because it is distracting. I feel if I respond my opponent controls the argument and we end…

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0 Replies

How to talk to conservatives and fighitng against stimga.

Quick note to non-Americans. In America our liberals are considered conservative by other 1st world countries and our conservatives are considered ultra conservative. So just replace conservative with ultra conservative to make sense of this post. So for non-Americans its ultra conservative vs conservative.A dilemma I am faced with is I am constantly fighting conservatives. Considering I was raised liberal, I find it difficult to talk to them. In America there is conservative media and liberal…

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Arguing with libertarians and the you eat vegan I eat meat attitude. Apathy too.

Libertarians seems to have the knee jerk reaction that everyone should choose what they want to eat. Other people seem to have the same argument.Sample opponents' argumentOpponent 1"I eat what I want and you eat what you want. I don't care how much damage is done to the environment, health, etc. I eat what I want. "Opponent 2 "Yeah, go away and let everyone eat what they want."Opponent 3 "You have no right to tell us what to eat!"These opponents aren't denying the health benefits, nor…

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2 Replies

How to keep omnivoires on the defense?

Hey, I've been battling in the forums a lot, and I can't seem to keep omnivores on the defensive. Example:My argumentMeat should be banned for reasons x, y, z, a, b, and c. About 5,000 characters long.Opponents' criticize my argumentThat's completely unfeasible. How is suggesting banning of meat going to help anything? What about b12? Face it we will continue to eat meat.My counter attackWhy do you think its okay to cause suffering to animals?Opponents' responseBacon tastes good. Other…

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