A common strategy I've seen is for an opponent to cast doubt by making 50 weak rebuttals. Most of them are obviously logical fallacies, mostly red herrings, yet due to the sheer volume it is easy to get overwhelmed.
Quick note to non-Americans. In America our liberals are considered conservative by other 1st world countries and our conservatives are considered ultra conservative. So just replace conservative with ultra conservative to make sense of this post. So
I recently fought an incredibly frustrating opponent. One who who would link to multiple lengthy links and claim information within the links that refuted my argument. Yet, my opponent wouldn't tell me which link contained the information nor q
trying to help out a (vegan) friend here who recently got hit with this argument. now, its a bit of a mad argument anyway, because even if its true that they are not reimpregnating cows and thus producing disposable unwanted calves, its still no
For several years, I've been working on researching and developing a thesis proposal that would hopefully help to increase compassion (i.e. my codeword for promoting veganism/stopping killing of animals) amongst a Catholic audie
hi--not sure if i should post this on the main board so more people will see it or here?
trying to pull together stuff to develop my doctoral dissertation topic related to increasing compassion for animals, particularly addressing Christianity, and p
Mercy for Animals got COSTCO to quit buying veal calves from a despicable farm.
"Atlantic Veal and Lamb, Costco's sole veal supplier, which buys from Buckeye Veal and over 100 other veal farms, told Jeff Lyons, Costco's senior vice president of fresh
i received this in an email from bigG. he asks several very important questions here so i thought we should discuss the ideas in a thread. i have paraphrased a couple of the questions.
1. What should be the focus for AR here in Canada?
it seems our fine 30badigos keep getting banned at gitmr simply for revealing the truth about those who practise cruelty on animals. these are people who in part or in total imprison, exploit, abuse and murder other sentient beings for their own grat
we would like to present it through a database system so that someone could type in a keyword and see the various questions that come up as well as the
Oddly enough many our most vociferous opponents are failed ethical vegans. They seem to be unusually passionate in their attempts to point out the dubiousness of the veg endeavor and/or how we ethical veg folk really shouldn't be telling other people