When i meditate i always have some question, problem, experience, that i meditate on. i never try to just clear my mind, for me this has never worked. also i have a friend who alays oes open eye meditation.how do u guys meditate
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To me, "practice" and "meditation" are synonymous... because if I'm doing it in a meditative state, then it's doing what it's supposed to do as a practice!
My main practices right now are:
1. EFT (meditating on emotions, clearing them with meridian stimulation)
2. Kundalini yoga. There are hundreds of structured meditations to choose from from this tradition, most involving chanting mantras and holding a mudra for 11 minutes. These are super powerful and have changed my life!
3. Tian Gong style of Qi Gong. Meditative slow prayerful movement.
4. Microcosmic Orbit. Breathing up the back channel in the spine, breathing down the front. I'm new to this and need guidance, so if anyone here is experienced, let me know!
Vipassana meditation has always been less efficient for me in terms of recalibrating... maybe because I have not practiced much on my own outside of retreats, so when I start, my mind ends up just wandering. Start me on a mantra though, and I'm moving energy right away...
if you want no mind meditation!!!! if ully reccomend any of OSHO ACTIVE MEDITATIONS,specially dynamic meditation.you will go through intense physical activity,,and this will make the mind more accesible.(and quiet)
its the meditation for the humans of this century!!!!!
actually meditation is not visualization,,mantras,,focusing,,thinking .Its beyond all that its NO_MIND
yo want acces meditation through any techniques,,just by reaxing totally it can happen
i practice what i think is called samadhi meditation, or also known as jhana i think
my main focus is developing concentration, it has taken me alot of practice, but holding a completely empty mind and drifting through the jhana's is just great, one of my favourite things to do! :D
1. Walking Meditation, using the techniques of Thich Nhat Hanh, outdoors of course, usually in a fairly isolated area. This is 1-3 times a week, sometimes for hours at a time and it's the most amazing a healing form of meditation for me. Because of this practice, all solo hikes have become walking meditations, even if they're 8 hour hikes.
2.A few times a week I sit on a meditation pillow, light a candle and sometimes chant or pray quietly.I do this less often because I live with noisy people who knock on the door, etc...
3. A meditative bath-- candles and soaking. it works very well when I'm stressed.
4. Winter Mornings-- I have a full spectrum lamp and sit in front of it for a little while each morning. This is the perfect spot to meditate. I think of the sun and woodlands, the ocean, just visualize the outdoors... and it sets the tone for the whole day, really waking my spirit and connecting me.
I never try to banish any thoughts, but find they dissolve soon after starting. I would say I've gotten in at least 20 mins daily for the past decade. I am MUCH more relaxed as a person because of it.
I practice TM - Love it - The beloved " Guru Dev " of that movement supposedly was a high % raw fooder who lived in isolation in the forest for 60 years.
However, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi came along ( who I think the world of by the way ) and made a mass movement out of TM which now basically promotes Ayurveda ( which again I think the world of - and can be practiced LFRV ) as an approach to health.
It sounds to me like you're practicing contemplation, which is certainly helpful. There are many techniques if you'd like to concentrate your mind, such as TM, mantra, candle gazing, visualizations, Om, etc. Then there is breath-control, or pranayama yogic exercises which are supposed to cleanse the nadis, or energetic pathways of the body.
If you'd like to concentrate and purify your mind at the deepest level, I highly recommend Vipassana meditation. You can take a free 10-day course anywhere in the world by going to www.dhamma.org and finding the nearest center. I took my first course almost two years ago and the benefits have been astounding! Another main reason I recommend this is because it is FREE. The centers are run on donations, in the spirit of the Buddha's teaching of the technique. There is no ulterior monetary motivation, just the desire to help liberate others from suffering.
H! Sandra,
When we use sound with our voice allowing the sound of Om to come through this at times will clear the mind.
Bringing this sound with the breath, a steady slow breath. Breathing in through the nose and breathing out Om. This we use to go deeper.~
Most all prayer and meditation can be done anywhere doing anything just focus.
To me, "practice" and "meditation" are synonymous... because if I'm doing it in a meditative state, then it's doing what it's supposed to do as a practice!
My main practices right now are:
1. EFT (meditating on emotions, clearing them with meridian stimulation)
2. Kundalini yoga. There are hundreds of structured meditations to choose from from this tradition, most involving chanting mantras and holding a mudra for 11 minutes. These are super powerful and have changed my life!
3. Tian Gong style of Qi Gong. Meditative slow prayerful movement.
4. Microcosmic Orbit. Breathing up the back channel in the spine, breathing down the front. I'm new to this and need guidance, so if anyone here is experienced, let me know!
Vipassana meditation has always been less efficient for me in terms of recalibrating... maybe because I have not practiced much on my own outside of retreats, so when I start, my mind ends up just wandering. Start me on a mantra though, and I'm moving energy right away...
if you want no mind meditation!!!! if ully reccomend any of OSHO ACTIVE MEDITATIONS,specially dynamic meditation.you will go through intense physical activity,,and this will make the mind more accesible.(and quiet)
its the meditation for the humans of this century!!!!!
actually meditation is not visualization,,mantras,,focusing,,thinking .Its beyond all that its NO_MIND
yo want acces meditation through any techniques,,just by reaxing totally it can happen
good luck
I highly recommend you to read "Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha" by Daniel Ingram.
You can either buy it as a hard copy or download for free as a .pdf here - http://www.interactivebuddha.com/mctb.shtml
Highly enlightening book.
i'd like to talking about the meditation way in Thailand
them have been studied in the temple.Really the way not fix the style
if who like the anyway ..that Breath with input&out...."สติปัฐฐาน 4"
meaning ..Walking you known,Standing you known and you did many things you known by yourself
Best With;
i practice what i think is called samadhi meditation, or also known as jhana i think
my main focus is developing concentration, it has taken me alot of practice, but holding a completely empty mind and drifting through the jhana's is just great, one of my favourite things to do! :D
I enjoy four types of meditation.
1. Walking Meditation, using the techniques of Thich Nhat Hanh, outdoors of course, usually in a fairly isolated area. This is 1-3 times a week, sometimes for hours at a time and it's the most amazing a healing form of meditation for me. Because of this practice, all solo hikes have become walking meditations, even if they're 8 hour hikes.
2.A few times a week I sit on a meditation pillow, light a candle and sometimes chant or pray quietly.I do this less often because I live with noisy people who knock on the door, etc...
3. A meditative bath-- candles and soaking. it works very well when I'm stressed.
4. Winter Mornings-- I have a full spectrum lamp and sit in front of it for a little while each morning. This is the perfect spot to meditate. I think of the sun and woodlands, the ocean, just visualize the outdoors... and it sets the tone for the whole day, really waking my spirit and connecting me.
I never try to banish any thoughts, but find they dissolve soon after starting. I would say I've gotten in at least 20 mins daily for the past decade. I am MUCH more relaxed as a person because of it.
However, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi came along ( who I think the world of by the way ) and made a mass movement out of TM which now basically promotes Ayurveda ( which again I think the world of - and can be practiced LFRV ) as an approach to health.
It sounds to me like you're practicing contemplation, which is certainly helpful. There are many techniques if you'd like to concentrate your mind, such as TM, mantra, candle gazing, visualizations, Om, etc. Then there is breath-control, or pranayama yogic exercises which are supposed to cleanse the nadis, or energetic pathways of the body.
If you'd like to concentrate and purify your mind at the deepest level, I highly recommend Vipassana meditation. You can take a free 10-day course anywhere in the world by going to www.dhamma.org and finding the nearest center. I took my first course almost two years ago and the benefits have been astounding! Another main reason I recommend this is because it is FREE. The centers are run on donations, in the spirit of the Buddha's teaching of the technique. There is no ulterior monetary motivation, just the desire to help liberate others from suffering.
right now im meditating on 'hara' or with a mantra.
sometimes I meditate on my chakras
specifically my ajna chakra most of the time.
other times I just dive within the silence.
or in the summer I meditate a lot with the energy of the earth, the sun or trees if im outside.
meditation is yum::